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Bourbon in the call with Vermouth

Bourbon: "So, do you have any orders to complete"

Vermouth: "why are you asking such a question?"

Bourbon: "i just found that you would be amused if you would tag along with us"

Vermouth: "us as including who?"

Bourbon: "you know who"

Vermouth: "if it's-"

Bourbon: "i assure you it's something that will match your taste"


"Ah Emi-San your here" Ran said popping her head out behind Sonoko

"You know her Ran?" Sonoko said

"yea she's Amuro-Sans close friend" ran said with a wide smile

"Hmmm? girl friend?" Sonoko said trying to make "Emi" spill her actual relationship with Amuro

"Ah, where's Conan-kun" vermouth said while her eyes were searching the room

"We didn't tell him we were coming here today it's just my dad and sonoko" Ran said with a cheeky smile

It's was just Mouri, Bourbon (Amuro), Vermouth (Emi), Ran, Sonoko


"Ah Mouri san" A sweet old man voice said

The man was in his 60s, black haired, nicley dressed but one thing that was weird is he looked younger than his age

"I'm glad to see you, ah you invited others" the old man was happy to see them

"I'm sorry for the convince" Mouri said scratching the back of his neck

"No no not at all, the more the better as they say" the old man said giving Mouri a pat on the shoulder


After a nicley disscusion and a tour around the house

All of them were having a nice break


"He would have been spending day and night in this library" Sonoko claimed

"He's always done that" Ran said remembering how he use to cross his legs and think

"Ah yes, his future wife already knows his habits" Sonoko mocked

"I'm not his wife" Ran said in a happy/annoyed tone

Vermouth chuckled a bit


A girl barged in the mansion and yelling

"What's going on" Mouri asked

"I think I have a clue" the man said letting out a small chuckle

"Grandpa, GRANDPA"

Heidi barged in the door

"Grandpa, your just gonna ignore me like that" said Heidi trying to catch her breath

Heidi noticed the other and gave them a raised eyebrows

"What are they doing here" Heidi said pointing at them

"Be respectful to the guests Heidi" the old man said

"Ah your from last time" Mouri said pointing at Heidi

I missed you so please don't leave me and I'll love you like I always didWhere stories live. Discover now