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(A month and couple weeks later)

"GET OUT OF THE WAY" vermouth screamed to Juliet

2 bullets shot through her chest, one towards her heart and the other in her lungs

Vermouths eyes widened in fear at the sight

Gin smirked, he's sharp white shiny teeth showed with pride, tear gas covered his disappearance

"JULIET" vermouth screamed running towards Juliet

"Please please" vermouth said under her breath trying to stop the blood leaving out Jules's body

"The ambulance is on their way" akai said coming from behind

There were still BO members to shoot off

It resulted to Akai leaving them behind to get rid of the rest

"Please just hold on a little more" vermouth cried out to her

Juliet was coughing up blood

Juliet knew she couldn't make it, so she resulted her last words to be answered

"who are you" Juliet asked, that was the only question she had left before dying

Vermouth looked at her scarred

Vermouth moved her eyesight towards the wounds, she couldn't stand looking at her in this condition

"Please tell me" Juliet said beggingly with her shaking blue eyes holding a "tight grip" on her arm

Emotions were rushing vermouth head and memories

Her head and hands being occupied never felt Juliet's grip loosen away

Her eyes closed shut

"I'm your mother" vermouth said taking a couple seconds before looking at Juliet

Juliet's eyes were closed and her head was tilted to the side

Blood was dripping from the side of her mouth

Vermouth was not startled for long till she started light slapping her face and shaking her to wake up

"Juliet please please" vermouth begged her crying out loud

she hugged her while her tears mixed up with her daughters blood

Her loud cries disturbed anyone who heard it, a motherly cry


She turned left and right, groaning, sweating, unwanted thoughts

Vermouth woke up, she sat up straight and figured out what did happen and what did not, She took a couple of seconds to realize it was just a nightmare

"Oh, thank goodness" she said her eyes closed

A small smile was drawn on her face from relief

she put her hand on her forehead, her forehead was hot, she must have caught a fever

She groaned getting up from her bed

Vermouth walked towards the counter to pour herself a drink

was she an alcoholic? Likley

After taking a couple sips vermouth thought deeply

"What if it ends up like that" she said to herself in fear

She sat on her big red seat and viewed the sight of Tokyo out the window

Her head searched about every memory she had with her daughter

I missed you so please don't leave me and I'll love you like I always didWhere stories live. Discover now