Found you

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Subaru (Akai) and Conan were finally at the tourments against Karsu and Kyojins

"Crows against a titans huh" Subaru let out a remark

Conan eyes were searching Juliet desperately

"Black hair, Blue eyes, pale, slit eyebrow, wavy hair" Subaru listed while looking at Juliet

"She's the Libero, wearing long sleeves and leggings under her jersey" Subaru said to Conan

Conan eyes finally landed on her

She really did look like Chris Vineyard

The tournament has started





The crowd was anxious, one coach seemed like choking his players while the other one was happily skipping


The crowd cheered for the victory of KARSU middle school

the team members all went hugging their Family members

"I'm proud of you, you did good" the coach said in a genuine tone to Juliet

He gave her a pat on the shoulder

"You really did amazing" the opposing team coach admitted

"oh, really" Jules said

"Good job Jules" Romeo said in a cocky tone

"We should celebrate you know" Romeo said winking at Jules

"where are you getting them from" Jules asked

"Let's say momma has a stash" Romeo said while shrugging


"What do we do now" Conan asked

"Vermouths weakest point" Subaru smirked

"blackmail?" Conan suggested

"We make that girl work with us" Akai said

"How will we make that possible" Conan exclaimed


"She's in the military training, it seems like her father was in the military before" Akai said

"and?" Jodie asked

"Before the big plan that the organization is setting up, they will be targeting the military training for the underaged, there we will take the girl on our side and Vermouth will end up helping us" Conan said

"How will we get near the training" James asked

"The boy has it all figured out" Akai said in amusement


Juliet and the others were on the rooftop smoking wax

"Where are you getting these from" Heidi asked Romeo

"My mother has some extra for her" Romeo bragged


"Karsu has won varsity" the news paper was titled

The article was filled with images of the match that happened a couple hours ago

Her mouse scrolled at the pictures till it landed on Juliet

Vermouth smiled

Her cold black heart was now filled with warmth

She took a sip of her wine

She has no tasks to finish, she can go back to the states as she was willing to do so but knowing her daughter is here she decides to stay

She wantes to live the life she has 11 years ago with her daughter, she can of course but after the silver bullet takes down the organization

Vermouth gets a text from the boss

"I have a new task set up for you"

"Change of plans I guess" vermouth said smirking at her phone


Author here: I promise you I will get some more Vermouth n Juliet interactions

This is kinda the aftermath of the last chapter so that's why it's short 

I missed you so please don't leave me and I'll love you like I always didWhere stories live. Discover now