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(One weeks later)

"i'm glad you called" He said

"You've made a good choice" He said so happily

"On certain conditions" she continued

"This won't be my whole life, i want to continue with my normal activities" she continued on

"yes yes of course" he assured her with a tone of excitement

"How would you like the name whiskey, huh?!" he said as she could imagine him grinning on the other side of the phone call

"I would surely love that" she said in a nonchalant tone

"He would love you on his side" he said again

"before you met the others i want you to meet someone that you n her would be a perfect duo" he said

"She's the best marksman sniper in the organization" he continued on

she listened trying to imagine what this so talented markswoman sniper would look like

"Tomorrow" he said before hanging up


Jules sat on her bad wondering what would have happened if she haven't made that phone call

What is she missing now? the blood of dogs n rats or innocent people?


"Sorry, the number your trying to reach.."

she hanged up again

this was the last time she promised herself to call Heidi

Jules knew that the day she left she wouldn't see her again, a feeling she had that came to life

She grabbed her new phone and settled everything up to use for so called work

However, she couldn't delete the pictures, chats, and calls between her and Heidi, Romeo, and Milan

Jules had a problem with throwing or deleting stuff, for shit she still had passes that teachers gave her, in a little box or wtv full of other junk


"They seem like they are staying low as of right now" Akai said

"It's strange isn't it" James asked mumbling through the call while thinking

"Not likely of them" Akai muttered back

"Well, if they strike sooner or later we have their goal" James said

"Don't get happy" Akai said

James was taken back by Akais comment

"They're like a centipedes in the dark" Akai said before hanging up


"Haven't you heard about her skills" Chianti asked making Vodka look dumbfounded over a phone call

"She can snipe over 1300 yards" chianti said while cleaning out her scope

"I'm surprised for her age" Vodka commented

"you'll get along very well" Vodka added on while trying to imagine Chianti get along with someone else besides Korn

"Well someone will ruin that" Chianti said

"who" vodka asked

"who else? vermouth" Chianti said while scoffing

"yea she seemed irritated" vodka said

"seemed??? if she had the chance she would have killed all of us" Chianti said while letting out a laugh

"Don't know what's up her ass" Chianti added on

"Will see tomorrow" Vodka said before hanging up and receiving an incoming call from Gin


"Yea aniki" Vodka said before Gin said anything

"You'll pick up whiskey in the afternoon" Gin said

"yes, but i thought some other agent will" Vodka asked

"Rum decided to make this last minute decision" Gin said

"oh..." Vodka mumbled

"Hey aniki" Vodka asked

"Yes" gin answered

"Do you know why Vermouth was so irritated about how "that person" paired up chianti and whiskey" Vodka asked

"hmph i don't know there's always a problem with that woman" Gin said

"she better stay in her lane and not interfer" Gin added on with the annoyed imagination of Vermouth doing what she pleases

Before Vodka could ask anything else Gin hanged up

Gin ordered the others to not speak of Whiskey (Jules) to Vermouth until an hour before her arrival 

I missed you so please don't leave me and I'll love you like I always didWhere stories live. Discover now