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The week begins...

There in the hallway was Chianti and Whiskey talking to each other

"How about after this we go and chill, you know the exclusive bar for the organization members " Chianti said while toying with her new sniper scoop

"Sure" Whiskey said yawning

Although their plans didn't end until Vermouth came out of nowhere

"Aw Chianti" Vermouth voice was heard walking towards them

Her voice sharpened Whiskeys and Chainti senses

"you know you can go to jail, for giving a minor substances" Vermouth exclaimed

"Tsk" Chianti mumbled under her breath while looking at Whiskey and shaking her head

Jules (Whiskey) let out a small sigh realizing she's still not over it

Vermouth took her daughter by the hand and started walking towards her office, which startled Juliet for a bit

But she stopped her daughter and walked a few steps back and whispered something to Chianti

Clearly and threatening enough to where only Chianti can hear it

"Keep you distance far away from her" Vermouth whispered with a deadly stare that Chianti got a shiver

Just as she turned back her face to her daughter... "2 faced" Chianti mumbled under her breath

Juliet (Whiskey) took a look back at Chianti and studied her for a sec until Vermouth cut her off

"Don't bother" Vermouth said holding her close by her shoulders

"What were you talking about" Vermouth asked Jules while they were both walking

To where Juliet replied "lady stuff" which made Vermouth playfully roll her eyes

They both entered the office. One had a big smile on their face while the other one just looked tired

Oh how Vermouth felt, all her worries were gone, it felt like normal, she felt normal for once, she felt what she use to feel back when Juliet was little

Jules slammed her self into the couch to where Vermouth started speaking

"Well, we should get some shopping done for the mission, and other simple errands" Vermouth said while opening the curtains to let the beaming sun wake up Juliet

The sun hit her eyes to where Jules let out a slight groan, she was blinded trying to find Vermouth with her sight

As vermouth watched her, she was lost in her oceanic eyes they were dark as usual but with the sun it made them greenish just like hers

The sun stopped beaming at her face, Juliet rubbed her eyes, while Vermouth snapped out of her zoning out and fixed the curtains

Jules sat up straight on the couch and let out a sigh to which only Vermouth can hear

"It'll be fun, trust me" she exclaimed to Jules while coming towards her

Plopped herself right next to Jules to where Jules commented "what am I? your little helper"

"No, my big helper" vermouth teased with a smile on her face

Jules sarcastically grinned, trying to find her box of cigarettes she finally found them inside her back pocket, only one was left

Just as she was about to light it up, Vermouth took it away from her

"your not allowed to smoke" Vermouth said breaking the cigarette into two "At all" she added firmly

I missed you so please don't leave me and I'll love you like I always didWhere stories live. Discover now