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(The next day)

Sitting in the luxurious black car was Juliet who could have died of boredom any minute

It was an hour long drive to the place of hell

Vodka kept taking glances at Juliet just to make sure she's okay as he was ordered to bring her in a healthy condition

However, in those certain glances he had a realization or he noticed many similarities between her and Vermouth

the hair, the eyes, the skin tone, the everything. The only difference was her hair colour and a darker blue eye colour

Juliet is not that stupid to not notice his glances to break the silence she said...

"Can we stop at the corner store" Juliet said

pointed out

Vodka was hesitant at first but allowed it as he was suppose to be welcoming to her

Slowly he parked the car, and just sat there

"Aren't you gonna come with me" Juliet asked holding onto the door handle

"uh yea" he said startled, he grabbed his phone and keys and headed out

they walked in and walked out with juliet have some kind of toy to fidget with and an energy drink

While Vodka started the car and began to drive out the parking lot, the same voice spoke

Juliet said "Why are you scared"

Vodka stared at her through the mirror

"i'm not" he said following with a cough that has been stuck there since she entered the cat

after a minute of a staring contest she shrugged her shoulders and continued fidgeting with the toy


"did you not hear"

"No way i heard she's only 15"

"She'll be in the highest rank"

voices echoed in the hallways, two lower rank agents were gossiping in the hallway about the new member

"It's rude not to invite me in" Vermouth said taking a couple steps towards them from behind

One agent shivered and the other froze, they were all afraid from vermouth, every lower rank agent in the organization was afraid or at least hesitant from Vermouth

"What's going on" Vermouth asked

She knew there was something going on behind her back, and she hated it

The two agents looked at each other than confessed everything

What was said was truth because everybody knows that...

Lying to vermouth was one thing you can do wrong the other is when her daughter is involved, but how should they know?

Vermouth was surely irritated and pissed, did it show on her face? sure did

"Where is she now" Vermouth asked with a change of tone matching her facial expressions

"Vodka is suppose to bring her here in about 15 minutes" One agent blurted out

Vermouth was silent, silent enough for the two agents to disappear


I missed you so please don't leave me and I'll love you like I always didWhere stories live. Discover now