it gets worse or worser?

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a couple years ago

The rooftop of the apartment was where Milan liked spending his time, away from anyone else, away from his abusive father who drinks day and night, Milan wanted a father but his father wanted a punching bag.

The rooftop was Milan's and Juliets favorite spot, it has the perfect scenery, which was an abandoned building with kids playing, cars beeping, women talking, it was winter

Milan was there drawing the scenery, he always loved drawing as a kid, it put his mind off of things, just like his mother always used to do


"Your gonna just draw all day" Juliet remarked in a unsatisfied tone, standing behind Milian with her hands in her pocket

"It keeps me happy" Milan said with a smile looking at his sketch book

It did keep him happy but it made his mind blank, blank to where all these grieving questions asked him, it made him feel miserable for a little while

Juliet scoffed looking at the cars, people, dead trees from a high distance, the breezy cold air was hitting against her hair, snow flakes started to fall

"Juliet" Milan said in a stern tone but had a miserable questioning look

"Yea" Juliet responded side eyeing Milan

"Do you think we'll ever, you know all of us will live finally be free and happy" Milan asked with a genuine tone

"You know like where we fly, all four of us to other countries, and sleepover, and just be happy" Milan elaborated his question more with a smile after he imagined pictures in his mind of how they would be so happy

Juliet thought about Milan's question, she looked at him for a good couple of seconds and back to the scenery to where she replied:

" another lifetime" There was not emotion in her tone, with a blank expression

Juliet really cares for Milan's happiness, she would do anything for him to make him happy, she didn't have anything to lose anymore but he does, Juliet would seem to not care but she really would listen and care for someone


Present time n day

"Shit, now even Juliet is not replying" Romeo said to Heidi with a annoyed tone

"Well, did she tell you where she was gonna go" Heidi asked

"I called her earlier and she told me she was at the academy and would stop by Milan's house to see the fuck is up with him" Romeo said

Heidi furrowed her eyebrows with horridness after the last sentence Romeo said

"We need to go now" Heidi declared at Romeo

Romeo asked no question and started wearing his shoes

Heidi called the chief

Chief: Hello

Heidi: Ah, It's Heidi

Chief: Oh Heidi-Kun, what's wrong?

Heidi: Is Juliet still there

Chief: No, she left about an hour or so

Heidi: did she say where she was going

Chief: no, why

Heidi: I think something might have happened to her

Chief: Where are you going now

Heidi: Milan's house

I missed you so please don't leave me and I'll love you like I always didWhere stories live. Discover now