Her name was Juliet

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The sound of her high heels hitting the floor

The silence but buzzing sound of her starting computer and devices

The place where she will find out more about that girl

With Vermouth's curiosity about the girl she found the school she goes to in a matter of hours, her whole schedule, and the varsity team she's on

Although vermouth pleaded to her thoughts that the girl might not be her daughter, she was in fact her daughter.

Now it has been a couple of days since she last seen her

Vermouth found out everything from Angelos death to her current situation now, she found out about her past caregivers that were abusing drugs, she found out who's taking care of her now.


There she was laying in her seat staring at the picture Bourbon gave her.

She felt sick to her stomach, she didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

"It's been more than a decade" vermouth told herself

Although she wants to stay away from Juliet, she still felt that warmth feelings in her heart, oh how she imagined to hug her daughter and cry, or run her hands through her hair and plant her a kiss on forhead

The memories waved back to her, she smiled in sorrow but her heart ached for the first time in 11 years


"Once I find her again, I'll shoot her right in her head" Jodie declared angrily

"Now Jodie-san, I know that you have a grudge against her but don't let it distract you from the actual work" James scolded her

"I completely understand how you feel but your an FBI Jodie-san, don't make impulsive decisions based on your past" James added on

Jodie calmed down a bit after realizing what James said was right

"Did she not give you a broken rib last time" Akai asked

Jodie shot a look at Akai after his comment

"This time we will have to do it differently, remember that I'm dead in their eyes" Akai said opening a can of black coffee

"The best way to start off is with that Blonde lady named Vermouth or Bermutto I should say" James said staring at the paperwork

"How will we do that" Jodie asked raising an eyebrow

"We must make her work with us or capture her weakest point" Akai said

"Work with us? Are you out of your mind" Jodie scolded at Akai

"From what that boy told me, Vermouth herself doesn't like the organization itself and wishes it's downfall" Akai laughed at the last sentence her said

"She's protecting Conan from any haram and letting him go on and stop their killings" Akai said showing paper work at Jodie and James

"Over here is that boys testimony, and here is that CIA agent testimony about Vermouths actions" Akai said handing them each copy of the paper work

Their eyes scanned the papers

"And how will we even reach her over the phone" Jodie asked

"We don't, we'll find her weak spot then blackmail her is our best choice" Akai said taking a sip from the can

I missed you so please don't leave me and I'll love you like I always didWhere stories live. Discover now