After her

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A couple weeks later*

The assignment has started, the Black Organization has been collecting every piece of information about the girl which Vermouth hoped to God, who she never believed in, that they would never find anything amusing about her, what's more unfortunate is Gin has also took an interest about her too, he believes she'll sniff out the rats and dogs in the Organization after hearing Rum hyperbolize about her

The FBI also knows about their plan, which leads to a competition but decided to monitor since they know Juliets capabilities


They are all in the storage warehouse now discussing about the scheme, in the dark breezy night

"We're chasing after a fourteen year old girl, Gin" Chianti scoffed at the absurd plan

"Well, Gins ways are to safe then sorry" Bourbon said with a taunting smirk to Gin

"Don't fuck up the plan, Bourbon" Gin said shooting a death stare to him

"What's so special about that girl" Kir asked Gin, which made Gin smirk

"She'll sniff out all the rats and dogs in this organization, she will be the bullet in the organization" Gin said with all delighted sinister tone

"Sounds too much for a teenage girl" Vermouth said with a laugh, she hates this plan, she hates the fact her daughters name gets brought up, she hates how now she'll be chasing her daughter to the dark, she left her daughter for a reason for Gods sake

"She might be "that persons" new favorite Vermouth" Chianti said with a taunting tone

"and what if the girl dosent comply to our orders" kir asked

"She will" gin said with a bold tone

Vermouth, Chainti, Korn, are on Motorcycles, While vodka and Gin are in one car, and Bourbon n Kir is in another

They have already know Juliets routine of riding the motorcycle at night, and where she stops and goes, and they are expecting the same thing planned today

Juliet herself knew that someone or something is crawling up her skin, she always had that sense just like her mother, but as she thought she really does not have anything to lose anymore


The BO is hiding meters away from Juliets motorcycle that's parked at a convenience store, they are keeping their eye on her actions

Juliet buys a cig, lighter, and a small bottle of Maker's Mark Bourbon Whisky, she knew the store owner so she was able to get anything

She sits sideways on her bike and opens the 50ml Bourbon whiskey bottle

"She's drinking" Chianti said with a exclaimed tone, she didn't expect her to be like this

Gin smiled at the target, she wasn't a goody two shoes

Vermouth narrowed her eyes and griped tightly at her motorcycle steering wheel

After the BO patiently waited for Juliet to finish smoking and drinking the physical chase has began, Juliet knew who was in the distance meters away, she needed to make sure she's not seeing things so she came up with a plan to stop at the convenience store, now she's sure

She puts on her helmet (keep in mind her helmet is like Sera's) she started driving the jet black Harley, and the BO followed, after some time of chasing the BO realized she knew that they were there and they know she knows they're after her which makes them finishing the hide and seek game

I missed you so please don't leave me and I'll love you like I always didWhere stories live. Discover now