New partner

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In just a couple of weeks Chianti and Whiskey were getting along well, a little too well for Vermouths liking

She's heard from others that they've been gone out in bars, gun stores, everywhere!

Surprisingly, Vodka started chiming in, everyone took a liking in Whiskey at this point, they found her more trustable and relatable to a certain point

However, this didn't give much to chance for Vermouth to see her daughter, and if she did Chianti would drag her away


"is there weed or any drugs here" Juliet asked out of the blue

Chianti turned around and looked at her then said "why wouldn't we" with a smile plastered into her face

"No body would mind" Juliet asked

"Not at all, there's some extra stash in there" Chianti pointed out

"alright we'll excuse me" Juliet said dropping the cleaning tools for the gun she was cleaning off

Chianti let out a cackle


"Dam" Juliet mumbled

Chianti was lying when she said a stash, it was a whole box filled up to the top with all sorts of different drugs and weeds

She looked and grabbed the one labeled "Fentanyl" she knew about it but really never tried it, it's either she always stuck with weed, wax pens, joints. However, now after all what has happened she's starting hardcore

"Did you grab what you need" Chianti said grinning

"Sure did" Jules smiled ever so happily

"Well don't tell anyone i told you about it, especially Vermouth" Chianti said in a normal tone but spat out Vermouths name

"Your good, Gin told me to suit myself" Jules said shrugging

"i just didn't know where it was" Jules added on stuffing the small plastic into her pockets

Just as Juliet walked passed her It made Chianti wondered who is Whiskey really

Before Chianti left she let Whiskey know that she can come at what time she wants since she has school the next day

"Noted" Jules replied back

Chianti took her leave, and in just a few minutes Juliet closed the door and walked in the halls to go home till someone stopped her

"Going home" The woman asked from behind

Surprise surprise, it was nonetheless Vermouth

"yea" Jules replied back without turning back

However, Vermouth had this motherly instinct when something's up, she knew something was going to happen to her, but what she didn't know is the small plastic full of fentanyl in her pocket

"What are you doing after you go home" Vermouth asked leaning one side of her body onto the wall

Juliet knew Vermouth will be an obstacle so she tries cutting the convo short

"sleep" Juliet replied

"Your not even gonna eat" Vermouth asked

"i'm not hungry" Juliet replied coldly without turning back

Vermouth started walking towards her from behind, she placed her hands on her shoulder and tilted her head and asked...

"Why don't you come with me, will eat together" Vermouth said with a smile

I missed you so please don't leave me and I'll love you like I always didWhere stories live. Discover now