Chapter 22 - Alyssa here.

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Chapter 22 - Alyssa here.

Jack drops off his sister at a pretty, large house just outside the centre of town. I wait in the car and watch as the girl's mother talks to Jack with a serene smile on her face, and Jess waves at me before going inside with her friend. She's adorable.

"So where are we going?" I ask Jack humorously as he climbs back into the car and slams the door shut. I can't help but watch him as he starts the car up, his biceps flexing as he shifts gears. When he glances back at me I feel my face grow hot - I don't want him to think that I've been staring.

"Oh, you'll see when we get there." He grins at me and then puts the radio on. It's some sixties station, and he begins to song along to this song that I've never heard of. It's so funny and so cheesy that I begin to laugh my head off, making him sing louder.

"What on earth is this?"

He bursts out laughing, looking at me as we stop at a red light. "There Ain't Nothin' About You, by Brooks and Dunn."

"Is it like really old?" I laugh.

"No!" He exclaims. "Not really."

He starts to sing again crazily loudly, the second verse, in a really cringe-worthy way, "In my life I've been hammered by some heavy blows! But it's never knocked me off my feet..."

"Jack!" I call out, laughing. "Oh my Gosh, please stop!"

His smile fades and he looks genuinely upset for a few seconds before he begins to chuckle again as the chorus comes on. "Is my singing really that bad?"

"It really is. I'm sorry, darling," I laugh.

He pretends to look disappointed, as the light changes to green and he continues on down the road. I realise that he's driving slower than usual, which is strange. He then begins to sing the chorus, "The way you look, the way you laugh! Way you love with all you have, there ain't nothing about you, that don't do something for me ..."

"Oh my God!" I laugh, hiding my face in my hands and then pretending to have to look away. When I stare out the window I see an old lady in the car beside us watching us and smiling.

She probably thinks that we're madly in love or something.

Gosh, why would I even think that? I'm not behaving like that ... Am I? Neither is Jack.

"I think my singing is rather sexy," Jack shrugs nonchalantly as the song finishes.

I look at him and snort, then look around at the road and the way that we're going. "I've never been this way before," I tell him pensively.

"Oh. Well, there's a first time for everything." I catch a smirk from him, and then silence comes over us again.

I listen to the radio station as the presenter suddenly says, "It's replay day! So let's play that song one more time, folks!"

"Replay day?" I cry out, as the intro to the country song starts up. "What the- What sort of radio station is this?"

Jack chuckles. "You know the chorus now, so you can at least sing along for that part, Goldilocks."

I blush as he reminds me of the nickname that he used to always call me. And I look down as he begins to sing along to the first verse in a terrible country American accent. I burst out laughing and hide my face in my hands, and feeling his eyes on me I glance up at him to see him grinning at me.

"You are so embarrassing," I moan between laughs.

"C'mon, goldilocks," he taunts. "Sing with me!" He snickers, nudging my side as the chorus starts.

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