Chapter 28 - Alyssa here.

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Chapter 28 - Alyssa here.

I don't hate being here anymore. I used to associate this place with Will and what happened but now I have friends - Martin, Anthony, and a girl from down the hall called Irene. And things are getting better.

I call Jack everyday, and he's been round a couple of times. Although, he has responsibilities with his family and he has work too, and everyone knows how much I hate long-distance relationships now, but I trust him and there's nothing we can do about it.

I have a lot of fun with Anthony. Whenever we see Myra on her own, we blank her but laugh at everything. As she walks past or sits there in the coffee shop, I can feel the annoyance radiating off her. Well, she deserves it.

I can't believe that I trusted her.

Anthony and Martin tell me that they hang out with Will. I thought that would annoy me, but it doesn't - they can hang around with anyone they want, and I'm just glad that they'd tell me that and seem to care. Irene is from Manchester, and is really sweet and really tall, with crazily curly, shoulder length brown hair and big brown eyes and freckles. She's also taking psychology so we study together a lot. I think that she fancies Martin but I know that if I ever asked her about it, she'd turn beet red and I don't want to embarrass her like that. But all in all, it's great having friends again.

On one Saturday evening, I'm sat at my desk working on an essay about dreams. There isn't a day that goes by where I'm not grateful for having chosen Psychology - it's insanely interesting, and I'm really into this subject right now.

There's a sudden gentle knock on the door. After getting up silently I move slowly over to the door, and glance through the spy hole to see Jack Hart stood there staring down at the floor. Grinning as a rush of adrenaline goes through me, I begin to ransack my room for my keys and eventually swing the door open. Jack grins when he sees me, and leans down to kiss me deeply. I don't know what is is about him, but he makes my insides melt. I'm so glad that he comes to visit. I'm so happy to be wanted.

"Hi, Goldilocks." He shuts my door casually after we pull apart, and I hug him tightly. It's so good to breathe in that scent again - the outdoorsy, boyish, welcoming scent.

"Hey. I wasn't expecting visitors so late," I murmur, and he chuckles then walks over to my desk and sits down at the chair. I immediately go and straddle him, and he begins to caress my hair.

"How was your day?" He asks me, twirling a strand between his index finger and thumb. I rest my head on his shoulder, and close my eyes.

"Oh, just normal. I had a lot of work to do." I sigh softly and kiss his neck. "What about you?"

"Surprisingly good." Jack laughs, and then begins to kiss down my neck. It makes my breath catch in the back of my throat, and I can't concentrate as he whispers, "I've been thinking about you all week."

"M-me too..." I mumble quietly, and gulp. His lips reach my collarbone, and euphoria shoots through my veins. My heart thumps dramatically, and I want him to keep going. I want him to move further down.

"I wanna take you out. For dinner," Jack says in a surprisingly normal voice after pulling away suddenly. It feels like he's shouting after our particularly intense, intimate moment.

"W-what?" I hear myself stammer, still distracted. My cheeks heat up quickly, and Jack just laughs.

"C'mon. I know somewhere I can take you." I watch as he winks, and I slowly stand up, my legs feeling like lead. He watches me as I get my coat and scarf, pulling them on even through my whole body feels like I've been laying in the sun for years, after what he just did to me.

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