Chapter 18 - Will now.

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Chapter 18 - Will now.

Oh God. Oh, fuck. Things weren't meant to turn out this way. Alyssa shouldn't have been here. I want to fucking kill Myra for bringing her along like that. Even though she's not mine anymore, I'm still feeling protective over her.

I just hope Alyssa realises that Myra was trying to stir up trouble.

Why the fuck did I start shouting like that? And fucking cursing? I must have scared her shitless.

When I walk back to where the others are, I don't see Anthony. Where has he been all night? I ask Martin where his brother is, who tells me coldly that Anthony's taking Alyssa home.

What? I almost want to tell him that's my job, but then I remember it isn't. How does Anthony know Alyssa?

Sterling looks at me with worry. "Will. Are you okay?"

I then look at Miki, watching as she clutches her lemonade while biting down on her lip.

"I'm going home," I say glumly.

Martin frowns. "What? No," he replies. "It's your birthday. Don't let some girl spoil it like this-"

"It's not her fault. It's mine."

Keira rolls her eyes from beside me, as Justine and Cara wave at me, heading away, towards the dance floor.

"Come on, Will." Keira pushes a drink into my hand, and then gulps down hers. "You don't have to remember her. Not now. Just focus on having a good time."

"And getting one hundred percent pissed," adds Martin with an enthusiastic nod. Out of nowhere, some girl who looks high comes towards him and suddenly crashes into him. And they start up a conversation.

I look at Miki, who looks reserved. And Sterling just shrugs. Then I look down at the the drink in my hand with a sigh, before emptying the whole thing into my mouth.

It's party time, I guess.


Every single muscle in my body is aching like hell as I come to my senses. I slowly open my eyes, and rub them as they begin to sting from the harsh sunlight and cold air.

Looking across at a massive window, I have no idea where I am. I stay still for a few seconds and observe the room, my head banging. The walls are white like mine and Sterling's apartment, and there's a desk made from the same wood. I stare at the floor to see a pile of clothes there, and then recognise mine. That makes me shoot straight up into a sitting position, as I realise I'm just wearing boxers. I close my eyes, cursing internally and running a hand over my face. Then I take the plunge and look to my side.

It's Keira. Oh fuck.

She's sleeping so silently, her whole body up to her shoulders covered by the duvet. Her blonde hair looks sort of wild, and she has one hand on the pillow that I was using. I slowly climb out of the bed, and try to remember what happened last night. As I get dressed again, I see her stir, then roll over and wake up.

"What the ..."

She stares over at me, my t-shirt half over my head.

Then her eyes widen, and she sits up, pulling the cover close to her chest.

"What the fuck happened?"

I pull my shirt fully back on. "I don't know, I was gonna ask you that," I snap at her, hating her tone. Then I sigh, and run a hand through my untidy hair before sitting on the edge of her bed. "I'm sorry."

"Me too. Will, can we just pretend this didn't even happen?" She whispers.

Like that's going to work for us, but it'll work for everyone else. I can't help but think that they might now, if they saw us together, leaving together, last night.

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