Chapter 26 - Jack here.

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Chapter 26 - Jack here.

I feel like the luckiest guy in the world. I'm not even joking, and I'm not exaggerating. When Alyssa just looks at me my stomach swoops and the way she smiles makes my legs turn to water. I want to kiss the girl every time she speaks to me. The fact that I'm even able to do that now is just unbelievable.

I like the way Alyssa has her arm over my middle as we sit on the train on the way back from London. I don't give a fuck when a load of girls get on and stare; I just fix all my attention on my girl.

She's my girl. At least, that's what it feels like and that's what I want it to be. I don't want to ask her if we are officially together now after kissing because I don't want to look desperate. I don't want to put pressure on her.

It's one of those days that you want to take a load of pictures of because of how perfect it is and how brightly and orangely the sun shines into your face and how nice another person is being and how good you feel about your own behaviour. Today wasn't any ordinary day - I know that for sure.

It's coming up to half five now but it only feels like we've been out for a few minutes. I hate the saying, but time does fly when you're having fun. We've been to the records shop I wanted to show her and Alyssa took me around Regents Street and even in Hamleys the toy shop where she made her own build-a-bear and I bought her it. I'm sure that's one of those things that couples do at some point, so does this mean we are together? I really hope so.

Then we went to eat at this restaurant Garfunkells which had people of all shapes and sizes in it and we got a tiny table near the window, and Alyssa held my hand the whole time. When I talk to her there's this look on her face all the time, this cute innocent look telling me that she's interested and she's listening. I've never got that with a girl before, and for some reason I really noticed it today. I like it.

"Alyssa?" I whisper to her as I watch her staring out the window, as the train flies down the track. I stare down at the build-a-bear box in her hands because I just feel awkward asking her this question.

I feel her gaze on my face, and as she squeezes my hand with her gentle one and rests her head on my shoulder, she whispers back, "Yeah?"

"Alyssa, I just wanna know," I hear myself mumble, "Are we together, or what?"

This time I glance at her to see her eyes open and staring right up at me. "Do you think it's too quick?" She asks quietly.

I blink. "What? No. What do you mean?"

I watch as a crimson blush blooms over her soft cheeks, and I smile slightly as she bites her lip and whispers, "I- I don't know. What do you want us to be?"

"Sort of an item." I blush. I actually do. What the hell is wrong with me?

Alyssa grins, then before I know it she's kissing me again. It's so sweet. Her lips, her touch. I slowly bring my hand up to caress her cheek, and it feels like we've spun away from the world for a while.

"You agree, huh?" I question after we both pull back. And she smiles shyly, resting her head against my chest.

"I do." She laughs softly and wraps her arms around my torso. "Totally."


The drive in front of Alyssa's house is empty when we get back to her house. Her mum's car and her dad's car is gone, and I'm about to ask her if she wants to come round to my house for a while, when she just tugs me along with her over to her front door. I look up at the big house - slightly bigger than mine - as she unlocks the door. For some reason, it feels like I'm trespassing. Probably because of how strict her parents are.

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