1 - Seeing You Again

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The shout echoed across the halls of Pidgeotto International Airport as Kyoka Jiro ran, her footsteps clacking on the linoleum floor, and flung herself into her girlfriend's arms. She buried her face in Momo's shoulder.
"I missed you so much," she murmured.
"I missed you too Kyoka," Momo whispered.

Two months earlier, Blanche, team Mystic's leader, had announced that she was going out of town on a quest for a rare shiny Articuno. Only a couple days later, she announced that she would be taking the remaining month before her departure to select a trainer from among her ranks to accompany her. As the rising star of team Mystic, and a hard worker, Momo was selected. Out of all the other trainers, Blanche chose her. Of course Momo was excited and honored to be chosen for the opportunity, and Jiro was super happy for her, but it would mean that Momo would be leaving. They would have to spend a whole month apart. Even if they both wanted her to go, they were sad to be away from each other that long. Even so, she went.
And today at last, Momo was home from her trip.

Momo and Jiro broke out of their embrace, both squealing, "it's so great to see you again!" at the same time before kissing.
Blanche came over rolling her eyes, a slight smile on her stoic face.
"Everyone's favorite lesbians, reunited," she said.
"Awww did you hear that Momo? We're her favorites," cooed Jiro, leaning against Momo.
Momo giggled.
"I knew she loved me! Hey Blanche, it's good to see you! Did you miss me?" teased Jiro.
Blanche sighed.
"Good to see you too Thunder Child." she said, exasperated. "But I think Momo missed you more than I did. She sure talked about you a lot."
Momo blushed.
"Awwww," said Jiro, turning pink, "I missed you too Momoyao."
She hugged Momo and nuzzled against her collar. Momo hugged back.
"Alright lovebirds, we're still in an airport," said an annoyed Blanche, "Break it up, let's go."
Jiro stuck her tongue out at Blanche as soon as she was turned around.
"Kyoka!" Momo quietly scolded.
The little group walked towards the baggage claim.

"Candela's picking me up. You girls need a ride?" asked Blanche as they walked towards the exit after grabbing their bags.
"Actually I'm here with some friends," said Jiro, "they can take us home."
"Very well then Thunder Child," said Blanche.
"How many times do I have to tell you, my name is Jiro!" said Jiro, "Call me Jiro."
"I heard you. I just didn't listen. You are team Instinct. Therefore you are Thunder Child."
Jiro sighed.
"Believe me, I would like to be on your team, but I'll always be happier on mine," said Jiro, "I've even considered changing teams before, because of Momoyao you know, but team Instinct is where I belong."
"Yes. It IS," said Blanche, "stay on your own team kid. Don't let Spark dump you on me. I don't deal well with crazy."
"I'm not crazy!" said Jiro, "my teammate Denki is crazy, not me! But don't worry, I know where I need to be."
Momo was a little surprised. Jiro had never mentioned anything to her about switching teams. This was the first she'd heard of it. Seeing her reaction, Jiro squeezed her hand and looked at her as they walked. They locked eyes, and their gaze said it all. They belonged on separate teams, they both knew that. But that wouldn't change the fact that they would always have each other's backs.
The little group walked out the doors of the terminal and into the sun. Cars were everywhere picking up and dropping off trainers. Candela laid on the horn as she drove up.
"Hey took you long enough!" she called, "i had to circle around four times!"
"The flight was delayed Candela," Blanche said cooly as she got in the car. "Not my fault."
Momo and Jiro laughed at this. They couldn't help but think that Blanche sounded kind of like an annoyed child.
"You'll be ok?" Blanche asked them.
"Yep! Ochaco says she's coming around to get us," said Jiro.
"Ok then. Bye girls." said Blanche.
The girls waved as Candela drove away. Just then Ochaco pulled up and rolled down the windows.
"Hey! Momoyao! We missed you," said Ochaco, grasping Momo's hand through the window.
"Heeeeeyyyy!" Called Eri from the backseat, "Sit back here with me!!"
The girls climbed in the back and Eri greeted Momo excitedly, her Applin bouncing in her lap with energy to match her own.
"Yea Eri talked about sitting with you guys the whole way here," said Ochaco, "Deku and Spark have been caring for her, but today she gets to hang out with me! She wanted to see you straight from the airport Momoyao."
Eri was newly in their lives, but they all loved her already. Really, how could they not?
The small girl had been rescued from team Rocket a few months prior. At first the professor and the team leaders had been puzzled as to why the villains had wanted her, but this was soon answered when they realized that she had quite a way with Pokémon. She could tame them with ease, and form strong bonds with them, getting them to trust her quickly, and she did all this despite having no training. If team rocket wanted her that badly, she was to be protected, and now she was in the care of the team leaders. With help from the trainers of course, including those of Battle Group 1-A. She had grown to like them quite a lot, including a certain green haired trainer she liked to call Deku. Today she was allowed to go to the airport with Ochaco, which had her in a very happy mood.
As they drove, Jiro and Ochaco asked Momo all about her trip, to which she answered happily, but soon, she was getting droopy. It was still early in the afternoon, but her flight had been long and overnight, leaving her with very little sleep. Eventually she nodded off on Jiro's shoulder. The girls let her sleep. Jiro quietly played a clapping game with Eri as Ochaco sang along to the radio.

Hello everyone! Welcome to my second story. If you read the first one, which is recommended but not necessary, welcome back! I'm so excited to be posting again.

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