8 - Loyal

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    Jiro was making her way back to her tower, her backpack slung over one shoulder. She would have loved to spend some more time with Momo at Mystic Tower, but she needed a good shower and some rest. The walk wasn't far between the two towers, she just had to walk through the stretches of garden that separated the towers from each other. The gardens were lush and green, full of trees, bushes, flowers, and other greenery. Finally she reached the golden double-doors of Instinct Tower. She pushed them open and went inside. She was walking past the front desk, giving a small smile to the front desk man, when she ran into none other than Spark, team Instinct's leader and her mentor since childhood.
    "Oh, hey Jiro! Where were you this morning? I was looking for you. Just wanted to check in and see how things are going," said Spark.
    "Hey Spark," said Jiro, smiling, "Sorry you couldn't find me! I was with Momo. But to answer your question, things are going well!"
    "Always good to hear!" grinned Spark.
    Then he noticed something. His smile disappeared.
    "What's with the shirt?" he asked.
    "Oh this?" Jiro said, tugging at the fabric of her stolen polo shirt, "It's Momo's..."
    She blushed awkwardly, and looked down at the little Mystic insignia.
    'Aw damn, this was not what I wanted Spark to see. I know I probably look disloyal, but I'm really not! I just needed a shirt...' she thought.
    "Well! Thanks for checking in Spark! See you later!" Jiro smiled at him and hurried off, getting in an elevator and waving before the doors closed.
    Spark sighed. His face fell with worry.
    "What am I going to do Bob?" he asked the front desk man, "I'm worried. What if she leaves? She's always been fiercely loyal to Team Instinct, from the time she was young, but now, I just don't know. Of course she's still loyal, for now, but what if she leaves because of that Mystic girl? She's been so distant lately. And loving someone can cloud your judgement when you're this young. I was probably the same. I just, this team was where she wanted to be. She chose this. I know her, she belongs here. I can't lose her, she's like a daughter to me."
    "I understand what you mean," said Bob, "you fear losing her. This child you've partially raised. But she's not a little kid anymore Spark. She's knows what's best for her, and she has to make her own mistakes. If she feels she belongs here, she'll stay. I understand worrying that her young love will make her make rash decisions, but if love is real, it can also, not cloud your vision, but help you see. It will help her realize things. And she'll figure out what's best for her. And that little girlfriend of her could help or hinder, only time will tell. You're not going to lose her Spark. Or at least I sure hope not, she's a good girl. But if she does leave, let's just hope it's because she really knows that that's what's best for her."
    Spark sighed again.
    "You're right, I can't change her mind this time. We just have to wait and see what she decides."
    Bob nodded.
    "Thanks Bob."


    Spark remembered the day he first met Kyoka Jiro.

    It was the day of team initiation for the new nine year old trainers of the city. Same old deal every year, Spark had been thinking. While the ritual was always the same, Spark always enjoyed it nonetheless, because today was the day he would meet the new Team Instinct trainers. He would stand up on a small platform with the other leaders, one hand held out to the new trainer, the other holding a small bowl of shimmering sandy face paint. The nine year olds would come into the room alone, one by one, and the leaders would tell them what being on their team would entail. Then, it was up to the child. Only nine years old, and making the choice of a lifetime. Some took a long time, some knew right away. Some had been planning this moment for as long as they could remember. They would come inside in wearing pale blue, and come out in their new team's color. Spark remembered when it had been Jiro's turn.


    Spark was standing up on the little raised platform, Candela to his left, and Blanche to his right. A little girl was walking out of the room in Mystic colors. She had just made her decision. She was quiet, with black hair and big dark eyes. When she had come in, she had walked up to Blanche quietly, taking her hand, and all of a sudden looking braver. She had promised to work hard. Spark wondered what team would be chosen next. Just then, as the girl shut the door behind her, another girl came bounding in from the main door, and skidding to a stop in front of them. She was excited and full of life, Spark could feel it. The girl had pale skin, short purple hair, and earphone-looking chords coming from her ears. Sometimes the team leaders told him he wasn't very observant. Maybe they were right, but he was observant in one way. One thing he always noticed, were eyes. He could tell things about people from looking at their eyes. The last girl had had dark eyes, like deep pools of mystery. But also, he could see wisdom, understanding, and kindness. This girl that had just come in was different. She had big purple eyes that seemed to sparkle in the sunlight. Her eyes had a spark of fire. They were filled with energy and life. She was filled with fierce determination. As Spark got to know her over the years, he saw her hesitate, her anxiety showing. But not now. Now, she was filled with confidence and readiness. He sensed something about this child. He had a feeling that she would be fiercely loyal to whichever team she chose. She was strong.
    "What's your name child?" asked Blanche.
    "Kyoka Jiro," she said, radiating confidence.
    The team leaders began their talk, telling her about the teams. She bounced on the balls of her feet. Once they were finished, they each held out a hand. And before the knew what was happening, Jiro was running. She flew at Spark, slapping his outstretched hand and gripping on tight. She skidded to a stop just before she was about to knock him over, and looked up at him, with a happy determined look on her face. He could feel her small fingernails digging into his hand.
    "I choose Team Instinct!" she cried, "and I promise I'll stay loyal! Always. I belong here."
     She was dead serious.
     "Good choice little one," he said softly.
    She nodded.
    "And you promise to remain loyal to Team Instinct. You're sure," he asked.
    "Yes," she said.
    "Then Team Instinct will remain loyal to you. And so will I. I promise to help you become the best trainer you can be," he said, smearing her cheeks with the sandy yellow paint.
    "You are our future little one."

    *End of flashback*

    Spark sat reminiscing. He had met many children that day, and many more before that, and many more after. But none of them had impacted him the way young Jiro had that day. She had been so full of life. And over the years she had been exactly what she had promised. Fiercely loyal. Brave. Strong for Team Instinct. Jiro was not perfect, but even through anxiety problems and fear and doubt she had stayed strong and made it through. Spark had no children, but he thought of Jiro with the same pride he would his own daughter. She had touched his life in a way he never had expected. And she had promised her loyalty. She had been so happy. So sure.
    He hoped she was still happy. And he hoped that she would keep that promise.

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