11 - Eri's Gift

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Credit to @FreudNim on Reddit for the cute picture!

    As the team Instinct members were just leaving checkout, others were already at the city.
    Eri was very excited to be in the city. Especially since today, she got to hang out with some of her new friends. She jumped and skipped, her Applin on her shoulder. Since she was still too young to join a team, her clothing was a bit mismatched and featuring all three. She wore a Team Harmony polo shirt, like most children her age. It was customary for young children to wear Team Harmony insignias. While they were not actually on this mysterious team, (it was unclear if it even existed, or if it was just a legend) team Harmony was for people who hadn't joined a team, which was fitting for the city's children. Team Harmony represented balance and peace. Eri was proud to wear it. But, she also looked up to the trainers on teams, and couldn't wait to pick one herself. Hence, the rest of her outfit. She wore a blue skirt, yellow sandals, and a red Valor bandana wrapped around her neck and shoulders. She wasn't sure which team she was going to pick yet. For now she just liked them all.    
    One hand held Ochaco's, and the other grasped Bakugo's. Bakugo did this grudgingly, but she was so sweet and innocent that he couldn't say no. Bakugo and Ochaco were an unlikely pair of friends, but they enjoyed each other's company. Even if someone, (Bakugo) wouldn't admit it. Ochaco was one of the only people, besides his boyfriend, Eijiro Kirishima, that Bakugo would put up with.
    Just then, Ochaco spotted the Starbucks.
    "Ooo! Bakugo! Starbucks! Let's go!" she squealed.
    "Alright," said Bakugo.
    "Ooo where are we going?" asked Eri.
    "To Starbucks!" Ochaco said, "It's a coffee shop! We can get you a Frappuccino if you want?"
    "Ooo what's a Frappuccino?" asked Eri.
    "It's like a slushy with milk and ice. They can also make it a flavor," said Ochaco.
    "Ooo," said Eri, "do they have apple?"
    They walked into the Starbucks and got in line. Ochaco looked at the menu.
    "Doesn't look like they have apple..." said Ochaco.
    Eri's face fell.
    "But they have strawberry! Do you want that?" she asked.
    "Yea!" Eri cried.
    Ochaco ordered and the kids paid for their drinks. They left the coffee shop, walking and talking and sipping their drinks. Eri took a sip, and her face lit up.
    "Ahhhhhh," was all she could say.
    "You like it kid?" asked Bakugo.
    "It's soooo good!" she cried.
    Bakugo cracked a small smile.
    "Good," he said.
    Just then a Butterfree flew into the path.
    "Ahh!" cried a surprised Ochaco.
    "Whoa!" gasped Eri.
    The Butterfree flew past them and into the trees beside the path, and before they could stop her, Eri shoved her drink into Ochaco's hand and ran after it, jumping off the path and into the trees. She tripped on a root and fell down hard, but she got right up again and dashed off into the trees and out of sight.
    "Eri!" screamed Ochaco.
    "Shit! She ran off. GET BACK HERE!" yelled Bakugo, taking off after her, Ochaco close on his tail.
    They ran through the trees, calling her name, but they couldn't find her. They wove in and out of the trees, jumped over puddles, and checked behind rocks, all to no avail. They paid careful attention to the ground, checking to see if she had fallen, but they still couldn't find her. Finally, after more running and screaming, Ochaco and Bakugo both came crashing into a clearing, stumbling over their own feet and into each other. They steadied themselves. The clearing was beautiful, with light green grass and little colored flowers. And there, in the center of it, looking like a little forest spirit, was Eri. She was kneeling in the grass, her skirt spread over her knees, with the Butterfree in her lap. It was emitting a soft little purring sound as she stroked its colorful wings. Ochaco and Bakugo gaped at Eri with the now perfectly tame Pokémon. This was Eri's gift. The reason Team Rocket had wanted her, and the reason she had to be protected. The Pokémon trusted her innately. She had a gift.
    "Hello," said Eri softly, "this is Butterfree. He trusts me now. Can he come with us?"
    Eri had tamed Pokémon for the team leaders before, but never trained one for herself other than her Applin.
    "O-ok," said Ochaco, "but you can't just run away like that Eri. You really scared me."
    "Yea!!" yelled Bakugo, frightening the Butterfree.
    "Shhhh, it's ok," soothed Eri.
    "You scared the crap out of us you hear?" Bakugo raged, "Don't ever run off like that alone again!"
     Eri's face scrunched up like she was about to start crying. Bakugo's face softened at seeing the fear in her eyes. Bakugo sighed.
    "Just don't scare us again like that again, ok?" he said.
    She nodded.
    "Good girl," said Ochaco, patting her head gently.
    Eri reached her arms up and made grabby hands.
    "Can I have my Frappuccino?" she asked.
    "I- uh. Oh," said Ochaco.
    "Damn it!" yelled Bakugo.
    Both kids had dropped their drinks in the chase.
    "I- um. I dropped them," said Ochaco.
    "Oh," said Eri sadly.
    "Well then, let's get more!" said Bakugo, then quieter, "Seeing as I dropped mine too."
    "Yes! Let's go," said Ochaco.
    She held her hand out to Eri and pulled her up. Eri dusted grass off her knees, and took Ochaco's hand, her Applin on her shoulder and her new Butterfree flying behind her. Then she took Bakugo's hand with her other hand, and the trio made their way out of the clearing and the trees, back to the Starbucks to get more of those tasty drinks.

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