13 - Balance

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Every community day had one thing in common. At the end of the day, there was a firework show. It was what everyone looked forward to all day. The trainers were grouped by team on three sets of bleachers, where they would sit with their teammates and new Pokémon buddies to watch the show. But there was no rule that said that you had to sit with your own team.

"Hey Jiro!" called Spark, waving like a little boy.
Jiro turned to him and gave a small smile, walking over. Though something in her smile seemed different, almost sad, but Spark couldn't quite place it. She looked lost. There was something else too, though he didn't notice it. She was guilty.
"Hey Spark," she said, "You called?"
"Oh, yea," said Spark, "You looked a little lost, so I called you over. Sit."
He smiled and patted the bleacher beside him.
"I don't know where Mina and Denki are, but I'm sure they'll turn up," he said.
Jiro did not sit.
"Uhhh Spark. I'm going to go sit with Yaomomo and Team Mystic. Just for today," she said softly.
Spark's heart sank. This was it. It wasn't that he wanted her to sit with HIM. She never did that. He was just her team leader, not her best friend. He was used to her sitting with her own friends. Ever since she was a child. He had watched her grow up. And now she was leaving. Not leaving him. Leaving them all. Leaving her team. It's not like the act of sitting with Mystic alone was that significant. But added up with everything else, it mattered. Community day was a time for everyone to be together, but during the fireworks you sat with your team. But... she wasn't.
She started to walk away, but before she did, Spark got up and pulled her into a hug. She was surprised, but she hugged back, laying her head on his shoulder. Spark was not good at not getting attached to people. He didn't want her to leave. When he let her go, his eyes were wet. Jiro's eyes flashed with concern.
"Spark?" she asked, "Are you okay?"
"You're leaving, aren't you. Leaving this team," he said, his voice barely a whisper.
He had had to confront her about it sooner or later. Medallions that allowed you to change teams were rare and expensive, but he had no doubt that Jiro could get her hands on one if she tried. Maybe she even already one. But, to his surprise, Jiro gave him a look of surprise.
"Leaving?" she said, shocked, "No, of course not! Why would I leave?"
"You just seem so happy with Momo, and Mystic. You've been really distant lately. I thought that maybe you didn't want to be on Team Instinct anymore."
"Momo. I'm happy with Momo. Not mystic," said Jiro.
"All of my friends growing up were always Instinct, because that was who I was raised being around," Jiro continued, "but then I met Momo, and we fell in love, even though she wasn't my team. I'm around Team Mystic because she's there. And her group of friends is actually really cool. There's nothing wrong with spending time with people from other teams. We're all parts of the same whole, Spark. You know that. There would be no one of us without the others. That's balance. If we all work together, we can do so many things. Momo and I learned that together. Just because I spend time with Mystic trainers, doesn't mean I want to be on that team, or I regret my choice. Deciding to join Team Instinct was one of the best decisions I ever made. It was the most important decision of my life, and I don't regret it one bit. Sometimes I wish Momo and I could be on the same team, in fact, I wish it all the time, and I'd be lying if I said I never considered switching, but this is where I belong."
Spark just watched her talk, listening.
"Remember when I was nine, and I promised that I would always remain loyal?"
Spark nodded.
"Well, I am not going to break that promise. Ok? Never. This is my team. I've grown up since you first met me Spark. I've changed so much. But I'm still the same. My name is Kyoka Jiro and I am on Team Instinct. That is one thing about me that will never change. And I need my teammates as much as they need me. But I need Momo too. We all need each other to get stronger, that's just a fact. It's ok to need the other teams, just like you need your own. I know I do."
Spark wiped away tears.
Jiro kept talking.
"Look around," she said, "What Momo and I have? That's the future. A future where we all work together to raise each other up. We're rivals, not enemies. We can join together. Look. Me and my friends are living proof of that."
All around, people were together, regardless of team. Ochaco leaned on Deku as he bounced a smiling Eri in his lap. Valor and Mystic.
"Even beyond romantic relationships, but just friendships," said Jiro.
Mina sat with Todoroki, talking his ear off as he smiled and listened. Instinct and Mystic.
And many more they hadn't noticed, all around them.
Spark swiped at his eyes with a sleeve.
"You're right," he said softly, "None of us would be here without the others. I'm sorry I didn't see that. I was just so scared of losing you when I felt you belonged here. But I should have trusted that you would make the right decision for you and not interfered."
"It's ok Spark," said Jiro, "You just didn't want to see me go. I understand. We've known each other for a long time, you know? You helped raise me. And I don't blame you. I have been a bit distant. To all of you. I just want to be able to have friends from every team. Not just this one. But that doesn't mean that Team Instinct isn't still my number one."
She grinned. Spark gave a watery smile.
"I'm just glad you're staying. Now go sit with your girlfriend. Get outta here," he said, giving her a gentle push.
"Of course I am," said Jiro, "and you know what? I think I will sit here. I owe it to all of you. Mina and Denki included. Oh of course! How could I leave Team Instinct anyway? Who would take care of Mina and Denki huh? Who would make sure they stayed out of trouble?"
She plopped down on the bleachers next to Spark.
"Are you sure you wanna sit here? You don't have to, really," he said.
"Nah, i want to," she said, "really."
She pulled out her phone to text Momo.

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