6 - Morning Cuddles

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    Light streamed in from the thirtieth story window and through the cracks in the curtains, bathing the floor with streaks of sunlight. It was a Saturday, so the need to get up was not urgent. But even if it had been, there was no waking Momo and Jiro. They were still asleep in each other's arms, and would have gladly remained that way all morning had a knock on the door not shattered the peace and quiet. Someone was at the door. And still, the girls did not wake. The knock came again, louder and more insistent. Jiro's eyes popped open and for a minute she forgot where she was. Then her eyes drifted to the large Mystic insignia Momo and Shoto had painted on Momo's wall when they were in junior high. She was in Momo's dorm. Right. While the furnishings brandishing the team insignias in the dorms were not as... extravagant as the ones in the Gold Tower that they'd stayed in during Johto Tour, they were still very much there. Jiro fingered a corner of the top sheet printed with tiny Mystic symbols, similar to the ones on the curtains. The knocking continued.
    'Oh! The knocking! That's what woke me up,' thought Jiro, 'I better get that before it wakes Momo.'
    Jiro was honestly surprised Momo hadn't woken up. Normally, she always woke up with stuff like that. The flight must have left her in desperate need of sleep so much that she had shut down her quick wake up reflexes and gone into a deep sleep. Jiro was glad she was recharging. She got up and crept towards the door, a little concerned about who was coming to call this early in the morning. Her heart fluttered. She opened the door a crack and peeked out into the hall. There stood a boy in a Mystic polo wearing a bright grin on his face.
    "Momo? Oh hey Jiro," said the boy.
    "Hello Daryn," said Jiro, holding back a sigh, "Momo's still sleeping. The flight left her really wiped out."
    "Oh, ok, cool! I'll come back later. Just wanted to say hi since she's been away doing cool training stuff with Blanche and all for the past month."
    "Yes, I know Daryn," said Jiro.
    "Ok then! See you later Jiro!" said Daryn.
    "Bye Daryn," said Jiro, shutting the door.
    "Ugh," said Jiro.
    Daryn was a nice guy she supposed, but he was a bit overeager and beyond that, he was also just annoying. He was less of a rule follower than Iida, but still, he liked to bug people about "following the boss's orders" a lot. He sometimes got in your face a little too much. The worst part for Jiro was that she was sure that he had a crush on Momo, and she wished he would just let it go, knowing that it wasn't going to happen. She didn't like that it made Momo feel bad about something she couldn't change. People don't just stop being lesbian.
    Momo's soft voice brought Jiro back to earth.
    "Why are you just standing in the doorframe? Was someone at the door?"
    "Yea," said Jiro, "it was just Daryn wanting to say hi now that you're home. I didn't want to wake you, so he said he'd come back later."
    "Oh, ok," said Momo.
    Jiro shut the door and came back to sit on the bed, Momo wrapping her in a hug. They were both still sleepy. Jiro wrapped her arms around Momo's waist and laid her head on her chest. Momo pulled her girlfriend up into her lap and played with her hair fondly. They both would have stayed like that had Momo's stomach not growled loudly. She chuckled nervously.
    "Looks like someone needs breakfast," said Jiro, "We should go downstairs."
    "Alright," said Momo, "but I should shower first, I smell like the airplane."
    "No you don't!" said Jiro, giggling, "you just smell like you."
    "Oh great, I'm glad my girlfriend thinks I smell like plane all the time," said Momo.
    "You don't smell like a PLANE Momoyao!" said Jiro, exasperated.
    "Yea, suuuuure Kyoka, sure," said Momo, playfully pushing Jiro out of her lap.
    Jiro looked up at her with an expression of hurt that tugged at Momo's heart.
    "Aww, come on Kyoka you know I'm not trying to be mean to you," said Momo, rolling her eyes.
    She pulled Jiro back into her lap and hugged her, kissing her cheek affectionately. Jiro laughed.
    "What?" asked Momo.
    Jiro laughed harder.
    "I'm going to have to start looking hurt more often if you're gonna get that affectionate Momoyao." she said, giggling.
    "Kyoka!" she scolded, giggling and squeezing her tighter.
    Jiro snuggled against Momo and settled into her lap.
    "I can't stay mad at you Kyoka," sighed Momo.
    "I love you," whispered Jiro.
    "I love you too," said Momo, "but you know I still have to shower."
    "Aww I knowwww," whined Jiro, sliding out of Momo's lap and letting her get up.
    "I'll be back," said Momo, heading for the bathroom.
    Jiro dragged herself out of bed and grabbed her clothes from the previous day off the nightstand. She slid out of her borrowed pajamas and put on her black leggings and one of Momo's polo shirts. She stared down at the Mystic symbol on the gray fabric.
    "Weird," she said to herself, but she didn't really care.
    Someone like Bakugo would flip at having to wear a different insignia than their own, but it didn't really bother her. Mystic was an honorable team, though not as good as Instinct. She didn't mind wearing it. It wasn't like she was going out to train or see the city. Then she would just be mislabeling herself. And everyone was team Mystic in Mystic tower, so it didn't really matter if they thought she was too. Her teammates weren't here right now. After changing and putting all her stuff in her backpack, she sat on the bed and waited for Momo.
    Momo exited the bathroom, wearing black pants and a button up Unown shirt that she hadn't buttoned yet. She got to work on doing the buttons.
    "I like your shirt," said Jiro, "and you missed a button. Here, let me."
    Momo came over to her and Jiro buttoned the little white button.
    "Thanks Kyoka," she said.
    Momo walked over to the mirror amd grabbed her hairbrush. Her hair was down and dripping. She brushed it up into her usual spiky ponytail and held her hand out to Jiro.
    "Ready to go?" she asked.
    "Ready!" said Jiro, smiling.
    She took her hand.
    They headed downstairs, and into the Mystic dining hall. It was buzzing with trainers. The girls grabbed their breakfast and looked around for a place to sit.
    "There's Shoto!" said Momo.
    The girls went over to him and sat down. Deku was there too. They greeted the boys and they all grinned at each other. The girls sat down and they all began to talk about training, life and the upcoming community day.
    "Oh and hey, someone's all Mystic like today. You switch teams Jiro?" joked Deku, raising an eyebrow.
    "Of course not," said Jiro, taking a bite of her cereal, "this is Momo's shirt that I stole."
    "It's not stealing if you give it back," said Momo.
    "Who said I was giving it back?" said Jiro matter-of-factly, slurping her cereal.

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