14 - Epilogue

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It had been three weeks since that faithful night at community day.

The professor watched as the great gold bird soared high in the sky. The sound of excited whooping filled the air, and it was just then that he noticed two riders on its back. He smiled.
"Would you look at that," he said out loud, to no one in particular, "It appears that these young trainers beat me to this one. They found that Pokémon all on their own."
'How incredible,' he thought, 'I have no doubt that they will do a great job training that Ho-oh. Those three were meant to find each other.'
"A shiny Ho-oh!" he exclaimed, "I was certain it was a Moltres, you know, after Blanche's thing with the Articuno and all."
"Who woulda thought, that was roaming around my city, you know?" he asked the Pikachu that had come to stand beside him.
"Pika pika?"
"Exactly what I was thinking," said the Professor, adding two tiny riders to his sketch of the Ho-oh.
"Incredible," he said, "This discovery is one for the books! With my lovely pencil sketch of course."
He admired his work.
"Now, I shall leave these young trainers to their training! Ah to be young again, and already soaring the skies on the back of a Legendary at that."
"Pika pika?"
"No, they will not be needing much of my help I suspect. Maybe advice, but there is nothing I can help them with that they can't figure out themselves if they try. They've got each other for that. And I suspect they've got some good friends too. Now come along Pikachu! Let's go inside and get a nice pineap berry for a snack. I'm feeling a bit peckish."
And with one last glance up at the sky, he went inside with his sketch pad in his hands and his Pikachu by his side, and with upmost confidence that no matter what life threw at them, Mystic trainers Tsuyu Asui and Fumikage Tokoyami would figure it out.

So that was the final chapter! I really hope you guys enjoyed, I know I enjoyed posting for you. I hope you read my next story, Chosen Family. The first chapter goes up today. It's unrelated to this, but it's still MHA fanfic, so you should read it!

Thank you so much for reading and supporting. Love you guys. <3

-VoltronGirls out.

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