9 - Progress

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It was community day at last. Tokoyami walked through the small grove of trees near a gym. He was going to meet up with Tsu. Over the last few days, they had been trying to investigate the case of the mysterious gold Pokémon feather on their own. So far they hadn't found anything. No clues. No more feathers. No news. All they had was the feather, and a piece of gossip Tsu heard about a sighting of a flash of gold in the sky. That was something, but still not much to go on. Then, all of a sudden, Tokoyami heard a rustling in the trees. Dark Shadow slowly came out of Tokoyami's poncho and rose into the thick canopy of trees. He stretched out a bit more, and poked his head into the brush. He must have frightened whatever it was, because there was a big rustling crash and something went whipping out of the tree. Tokoyami grabbed his camera as fast as he could and snapped as many photos as possible, not even looking at what he was aiming at. He saw a flash of gold. Then the thing disappeared into the trees.
"Come back!" cried Tokoyami, but the thing was already gone.
Tokoyami began scrolling through the photos. Nothing, nothing, nothing, and then... there it was. A flash of gold. Out of all the photos he took, the only one that had caught it was that one. It was blurry, but it was there. Then, he noticed something. Dark Shadow leaned over his shoulder and gasped. One shape could be made out from within the blur. The unmistakable shape of a wing. A big one. This thing was the one that had dropped the feather, he just knew it. And it was big. Just then, something came drifting down from the trees. Another feather. Gold, and this time, tipped with red. He picked it up.
"We have to show Tsu," he said, looking around for anything else before resuming waking, faster than before.
"Yes!" cried Dark Shadow, "Let's go. She has to see this."


Tsu shoved her hand into the Pokéstop slot.
"Only two Pokéballs and a potion?" grumbled an annoyed Tsu as she retrieved the items.
She began stuffing the items into her backpack when a shadow fell on her. She looked up to see someone standing there.
"Hello, young Tsuyu!" called the friendly voice of Professor Willow.
"Oh! Hello Professor," said Tsu, standing.
He was one of the only ones that she let get away with calling her Tsuyu, purely out of respect. He smiled at her.
"I was looking for you! I just wanted to check in and see how you were doing. Did you find anything interesting? Or anything you're working on?" he asked.
Tsu felt her blood run cold. She hated lying to the Prof. about her little secret research project with Tokoyami, but they had figured that it was for the best that they investigated the mystery themselves first.
"Umm, nothing much," she said, "but I'm doing well. Fumikage and I caught a Pidgeotto this morning."
That part was true, at least.
"Ah good," said the Prof., "Fumikage being Fumikage Tokoyami, yes? Good trainer, that one."
"Oh, u-uh, yes." she said, playing with her backpack strap.
Tsu and Tokoyami usually only called each other by their first names when they were alone.
'Why did I say that?' thought Tsu, 'it must be my nerves showing through.'
Just then, Tokoyami himself came running up to her.
"Tsu!" he nearly shouted, "I have more on that..."
Then he noticed the Professor.
"-that other Pidgeotto we were tracking!" he finished smoothly.
"O-oh," said Tsu, caught off guard.
They hadn't been tracking another Pidgeotto. So she knew that could only mean one other thing...
"Well, I'll go now and let you get to it! I hope you catch that Pidgeotto!" said the Prof with a friendly smile.
He gave a little wave as he walked away. They waved back.
Once he was safely out of sight, Tokoyami took Tsu by the arm and dragged her out of the busy street.
"Come on," he said, "I have some important things to show you. I have made progress."

Hey guys! Sorry, chapter's kind of short today. Hope you're enjoying the story! <3

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