5 - Returning Home

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    Momo stood in the doorway to her room in Mystic tower. Everything was where she left it. It was nice to be home.
    "Uhhh Yaomomo? You gonna go in or..." Jiro asked.
    "Oh, yes," said Momo, breaking out of her thoughts.
    The girls walked inside. It had been a nice day. After leaving the airport, they had had lunch and a nice walk around Bellossom Botanical Gardens with Eri and Ochaco before Eri had to go home. Now they were just coming home from dinner at their favorite place, the Ramen Bar, of course. All of this had left Momo exhausted, and she intended to go to bed early to make up for lost sleep.
    Momo set her bag down on the floor and began rifling around in a drawer for her pajamas. Jiro sat down on the bed.
    "I'm going to go change, ok?" she told Jiro.
    Jiro nodded. Momo went into the bathroom to change, taking off her dirty plane clothes and putting on her pajamas. She knew she should probably shower after the flight and everything she had done that day, but she was too tired. She would shower in the morning. When she returned, Jiro was laying on the bed, looking at her phone.
    "Kyoka, you best get going if you want to get to Instinct tower before it gets dark. I don't want you to have to walk alone in the dark." she said to Jiro.
    Jiro sat up and Momo sat down beside her, putting an arm around her and pulling her into a side hug. Jiro played with her earphone jacks.
    "I, um," she started.
    "Yes?" asked Momo.
    "Never mind."
    "Are you sure?" said Momo.
    "Yea," said Jiro, "I was going to ask if I could crash here tonight, but you need your sleep. I don't want to disturb you. You need to rest."
    "I think it would be nice if you stayed," said Momo.
    "You sure? You're not going to hurt my feelings, you know. You need to rest," Jiro said.
    "Stay," said Momo quietly, kissing Jiro's cheek.
    "Ok," said Jiro, giving a small smile.
    Momo grabbed her an extra pair of pajamas and she went to get changed. When she returned, Momo was already laying down, and for a minute Jiro thought she had fallen asleep already, but she opened her eyes with a small smile and held out her arms, motioning for Jiro to join her. Jiro climbed into the bed next to her girlfriend and Momo wrapped her arms around her, nuzzling her face into the crook of Jiro's neck. Jiro smiled, twirling one earphone jack around Momo's wrist and petting her girlfriend's long dark hair.
    "I missed you," whispered Momo.
    "I missed you too Momoyao, so so much."
    Minutes later they were fast asleep in each other's arms.

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