Chapter 13

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So uh long awaited huh? Thanks for all the support on this dumb story of mine. I will do some sorta epic speech at the end of this hopefully but whatever let's start!
Y/N awoke in Nevada once more and was greeted by the sight of three figured this time. Y/N smiled happily as he stood there and got closer to the three as they all turned around in unison to him approaching them and smiled. Y/N quickly pushed himself into a hug as they all gave him hugs and then stood back up.

"It's been a while young one" Auditor said as he smiled and patted Y/N's head.

"I thought you all said I'd never get to see you again" Y/N began to tear up as he saw the two.

"Well that was what we thought but here we are and with news" Sokar said his smiling grin never leaving his face as he looked to Auditor motioning him.

"It seems you will see us but not just here. The halo grows stronger it seems and soon we may be able to come through all three of us" Auditor said as he lightly touched Y/N's halo which glowed Red still cracked as when he had first gotten it.

"Really?! That means I can show you all to my friends and then we can all be happy together!" Y/N smiled completely as he jumped in excitement. Nobody had bieleved him when he showed them at first but when they were there with him and his mother then they had to.

"Yes you see little one your halo seems to be repairing itself and when it's fully repaired all of us may come out and help you in your world. It will take time though as soon only one of us may come. That is why we are here to figure out which of us will go first" Auditor said as the three got serious and looked to each other. They had been taking about this before Y/N had arrived but now it was time to get back to business and figure out which of them would go first.

"I personally feel that Tricky should go first. You will need him if you encounter danger and though we all can fight, he is the best outve all of us" Sokar put his own opinion in as Y/N looked at him with a confused face.

"Why would I need to fight? I don't like fighting it's scary and I don't want to hurt people!" He shouted as he looked towards the three but auditor quickly shook his head before speaking up.

"Little one you may not know it yet but evil grows in your world. There are bad people who would want to come for you and this you need to be able to defend yourself against them." Auditor said as he knelt down to Y/N who began to cry and hug Auditor. He had already seen someone who had hurt him before but to know others out there wished to do the same. He couldn't understand why they wanted to hurt him but he trusted these three a lot.

"I-why d-do the-y want to hurt me! I don't want to get hurt again so why?!" Y/N sobbed as he held onto auditor for dear life. Auditor cast a sad gaze as so did the others. The child don't understand the immense power he held over beings and thus they would come for him but they had a plan.

"Worry not child for that is why you have been given the means to defend yourself. Your powers grant you strength and your new body has been made to defend yourself. They will come but if you use these gifts then they won't be able to stop you. You are powerful and in order to be unstoppable you must train. Tricky is the best combat artist outve all of us and even though he may be quite crazy he can teach you how to fight" Auditor said as Y/N looked at him then to tricky who waved.

"O-okay b-but I'll still see you two right?!" Y/N wiped his tears away as he looked into auditors eyes who nodded and smiled. Y/N smiled as the three engaged in another hug and they let go of each other after a minute as Y/N felt himself blackening out. The dream was ending but he didn't cry instead he smiled.

"We're gonna see eachother again s-so I'll get strong then. Strong enough to protect you and everyone I love! I promise" Y/N yelled to them all as they smiled and nodded

"We will see each other soon little one. Tricky will train and protect you. You have your own body and the powers of the improbability drive to keep you safe. Summon your Allies and make them fear you." Auditor said to him waving

"You're gonna be alright kid, we believe in You so Show them that you ain't afraid of them" Sokar added smiling with glee


Y/N smiled as he looked at the three of them before nodded as his vision faded away to reveal his bed. He was dressed in his pajamas as Deimos and Ab looked up from their spots on the floor and got up to check on him.

"You Look happy creator. Did you perhaps see them again?" Diemos asked with curiosity as he let Ab roam the room.

"Mhm and they will be able to come here soon! Now everyone can meet them isn't it great?!" Y/N yelled with excitement as diemos nodded before the door opened revealing Y/N mother Glynda.

"Oh? Had another dream of them again Well mister nap times over cause we have to go now" Glynda said as she picked Y/N up and gave his a kiss kn the cheek which he giggled and nodded. They left the room with Diemos and Ab in tow to get themselves ready for another day at Beacon.

Told y'all I'd get this out tonight or tomorrow.  This story's gonna get alot more stuff and alot more content so be on the lookout for that.

Thanks again for so much support I'd never thought anyone would love this so much and I'm gonna try uploading every two days or every day. Love y'all and enjoy the story.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2023 ⏰

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