Chapter 8

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3rd person

It was a beautiful morning and as we take a look a look into jnpr we can the pained cries of Y/N as rwby and jnpr try to cheer him up

Ruby: On the phone woth glynda "He just wont stop crying and we dont know why"



After a while glynda bust through the door and takes him to beacon medical staff to do a scan meanwhile glynda, rwby and jnpr have to wait outside ozpin1 also came worried for Y/N as a doctor comes out



Doctor: "Please calm down everyone Y/N is fine but it seems his body is going through some changes"

Ozpin: "Well that is to be expected from a growing boy"

Doctor: "No these changes are very interesting"

Weiss: "What fo you mean by that doctor"

Doctor: "Well I think its better if we show you mind you Y/N is asleep so please be quiet"

They go into thw room where Y/N is asleep and see some x-ays as the doctor points to an x ray of your hands they show something inside your hands

Doctor: "As you can see by these x rays his new teeth are unlike anything we've ever seen his teeth from what we can see are gonna be super sharp and his hands are gonna start to grow claws as well also we did a review of his eyes and something is happening there too but we don't know what"

Ruby: "Is it hurting it"

Doctor: "Well we think so since teething is a kinda painful process for such a young child expect to have teeth fall out now also it seems he going to be growing 3 sets of these sharp teeth as well as 3 sets of blunt teeth but I want you to know you should bring him in everyday to cheak up on his progress meanwhile I will go tell ozpin about this good day"

The doctor leaves as Y/N continues to sleep

Glynda: "I cant believe this is happening"

Ruby: "Hey its ok mrs Goodwitch Y/N is gonna look so cool"

Yang: "Yeah and hes strong hes gonna get through this"

Glynda: "Thank you all for helping me"

Nora: "No problem mrs Goodwitch besides Y/N is so cute and fun to play with its been great"

Y/N continued to sleep for the rest of the day and during that time a few teeth fell out but overall nothing too major happened

Time skip

It was again a new day and Y/N woke up feeling a bit better than yesterday and yawned the team was already up and Y/N tried to get uo but ruby stopped him

Ruby: "Don't get up Y/N you need to stay here and get some rest alright"

Y/N not wanting to cause trouble just went with it and laid back down

Y/N: "What's wrong Mrs. Ruby"

Yang: "Well Y/N you need to stay in bed for a while some changes are happening to your body so just stay there and rest"

Y/N was very confused but again didn't want to make a fuss so just nodded

Y/N: "Can I watch tv?"

Ruby: "Sure ya can meanwhile we have to go but deimos will take care of you for now"

Ruby turns on the tv as Y/N watches it and rwby leaves while deimos watches Y/N

Time skip

It was a while after and Y/N was starting to get hungry deimos was asleep that's when Y/N heard the door open he looked over

Y/N: "Team Rwby?"

It wasn't team rwby instead it was a neo haired colored girl who just entered and went over to Y/N

Y/N: "Are you one of team rwby's friends?"

Neo took out her scroll and typed

Neo: "Yes I am my name is neo and they wanted me to cook for you"

Y/N: "Ok thank you Mrs. Neo"

Neo and Y/N smiled as Neo started to cook while Y/N kept watching cartoons Neo did frequent cheak ups on Y/N smiling at how cute he was and they ate happily

Neo: "Alright Y/N its time for me to go now"

Y/N: "Oh ok Mrs. Neo thank you for the food I love you"

Y/N hugs Mrs. Neo as she smiles and pats Y/N's head and then takes a cute picture of him and leaves as Y/N falls asleep team rwby came back a bit later and saw Y/N sleeping and smiled meanwhile the changes to Y/N were still happening as Y/N's nails were starting to peel off from Y/N's fingers but nobody noticed

Not yet at least
Sorry this chapter took so long I hope yall can forgive me for doing this to you I will try to get back on my schedule but its been hard anyways see you guys later

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