Chapter 7

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Y/N pov

Today was weird rwby said they had a mission and now needed someone to watch me

Ruby: "Lets get jnpr to watch them"

Yang: "Yeah we can trust them its only for today right"

Rwby took me to jnpr's room and
they agreed to watch me for today so im currently playing with Ab while diemos sits and watches

Juane: Whispers to pyrrha "That thing is scary"

Nora: "I think its cool look at it"

Ab looks at juane and snarls and starts to move towards him with his hands out and juane screams like a girl and runs around the room as Ab chases him everyone else besides juane and Ab are laughing at him

You: "Ab remember dont hurt him"

Juane: "Please save me"

Ab keeps chasing juane

3rd person

Neo has been watching and sees that Y/N can control Ab and thinks its interesting then looks and sees Y/N on Ab's shoulders as they walk outve the room and diemos goes outside the room and keeps watching them

Y/N: "This is so fun"

Diemos: "So Y/N where do you want to go"

Y/N: "Can we go outside"

Diemos: "Sure thing"

They get into the courtyard and Y/an gets off Ab's shoulders and starts to play in the grass as some girls aw at the cuteness and neo takes a little picture to send to everyone else

Y/N: "I wish there was something to do im bored"

Diemos: "How about we go back to the dorm now"

Y/N: "Yeah mabye they have games"

Diemos: "Im sure they do"

Deimos begins to walk while Y/N has Ab pick him up and they walk back to the dorm

Y/N: "Do you guys have any games to play"

Nora: "Yeah we do how about we play some death combat"

Pyrrha: "No thats way too violent for him"

Nora: "Aww no fun"

Juane: "Hoe about we play some Guns of duty"

Pyrrha: "Fine thats acceptable"

Juane turns on his mbox and starts to teach Y/N how to play

Le Timeskip

After a while of playing guns of duty
Y/N fell asleep and Ab sat aganist a wall cradling Y/N as he slept and Nora took a picture cause it was pretty cute meanwhile something was happening with Y/N that nobody knew about

This is more of a filler chapter Im sorry but next chapter will be very interesting

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