Chapter 2

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Y/N Pov

The sky was red in color and the ground was grey and there stood two people

The sky was red in color and the ground was grey and there stood two people

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They looked really scary and I hid my face hoping they wouldn't notice me but they turned around and looked directly at me

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They looked really scary and I hid my face hoping they wouldn't notice me but they turned around and looked directly at me

???: "Do not be afraid of us child come closer"

You: "No your scary Im not suppose to talk to strangers"

???: "Then how about we start with introductions you may call me the auditor and this is my friend Sokar"

Sokar: "Hello child now tell us your name"

You: "Im Y/N I don't know how I got here I want to see mom"

The auditor: "You shall see her soon child but its time to talk about your gift"

I was pretty scared but now I was confused and excited I had a gift I wonder what it was

You: "What do you mean by gift" I said excitedly

The auditor: "You have a halo and it looks just like mine"

I looked over my head and saw the halo again

You: "I know but I don't know why I have it this morning it was just there"

The auditor: "It is time for you to learn to use your powers"

I was now really excited and ran up to the auditor and hugged him

You: "Really I have special powers please teach me them please"

The auditor: "Then lets start your training and don't worry about time here it moves slower here than in your world so a day here is only a minute in your world"

You: "Okay Mr auditor and Sokar"

For the next 420 days he trained you in using your powers and you mostly got the jist of it

The auditor: "Our time is almost up Y/N you have been trained in using your powers it is time for you to go now"

You: "Ok mr auditor and sokar it was fun playing with you but we can play again next time"

You were pretty sad but you could always play again sometimes

The auditor: "No Y/N this is the final time well see eachother"

You were now really sad and started to cry

You: "But *hic* I dont want *hic* for you to leave"

The auditor: "Dont worry Y/N you will always have something to remember me by"

He points to your halo as you stop crying a bit

You: Sniffles "Ok mr auditor and Sokar it was fun playing with you I will miss you Bye bye"

And just like that you were back in your room waking up you rubbed your eyes and looked around as your mother came in

You: "Mommy I had an awesome dream it was so cool"

Glynda: "Well then would you like to tell me it Y/N"

You nod as she picked you up and you tell her of all the cool things that happened in your dream she smiles as you tell her the story
Sorry if a bit of it is confusing and its a short chapter

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