Chapter 3

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Y/N pov

After telling mommy all the things that happened we got onto the flying thingy and start to head to beacon as I looked out the window happily I looked over to mommy

Y/N: "Mommy do you think all my friends would like to hear about ky dream"

Glynda looked down at Y/N happily

Glynda: "Im sure they would love to hear about your story"

After what mommy said I smiled and as the bullhead landed we got out and walked towards the castle and we went to what she calles her combat class and I sat down and started to draw holding my beowulf plush

3rd person Pov

Team rwby and jnpr walked into combat class and they played with Y/N and talked about his dream

Ruby: "Aw Y/N your dream was so cool"

Yang: "So Y/N gonna show us what your drawing"

Y/N raised his drawing he drew pretty well and team rwby,jnpr and glynda saw it the picture was of two people one was standing on the left and had a halo like Y/N his eyes glowed a deep red and he was all black and shadowy while Y/N was in the middle on the left side stood a person with a red glowing face into a smile and one pupil on an eye near a cliff the ground was gray and the sky was red just like Y/N told them

Weiss: "Y/N this is from your dream right"

Y/N: "Yeah the one on the left is the auditor and the one on the right is Sokar  they helped me train my powers it was so cool"

Ruby: "You have a pretty good imagination"

Y/N frowned and everyone was confused

Ruby: "Y/N did I say something wrong?"

Y/N: "Yeah they weren't my imagination they are real and they are my friends"

The teams and glynda were now super confused

Glynda: "Well Y/N Maybe you could show us one of these powers one day"

Y/N: "I could show you right now if you want me to"

Ruby: "That would be awesome you should do that"

Yang: "Yeah I want to see"

Weiss: "I would like to see as well"

Everyone looked at Weiss like she was crazy

Yang: "Was weiss interested in something other than learning and books"

Weiss: "What I can have other interest too lets just focus now"

Everyone turned to Y/N who got outve the chair and raised his hands then black and red lighting came out and went to the ground where something came out with a weapon

Everyone turned to Y/N who got outve the chair and raised his hands then black and red lighting came out and went to the ground where something came out with a weapon

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