Chapter 6

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Y/N pov

As torture was covered in my nexus lighting mommy decided that I should go with team rwby to head out to vale so that I could get ice cream it was gonna be the best day ever I walked down the street with team rwby,Diemos and Ab (Nickname for the abomination pet Diemos has) but we were getting a few weird looks

Random lady: Whispers "What is that thing its hideous and so scary"

A random person screamed and moved out've our way quickly

Diemos: "First lets head to a shop and get a leash and a collar for this thing"

Team rwby nodded as I just held onto ruby smiling they got into the shop and started to look around and we eventually found a nice black and red collar and a nice collar and we went up to the cashier

Cashier: Sees us "U-um wh-what can I-I-I do for y-ou"

Diemos: "I wanna buy this stuff please"

Cashier: "Hehe s-sure thing"

The scared cashier scans the stuff as Diemos pays and he puts the collar on Ab and the leash and they start walking again and then we went to go ice cream I got cotton candy flavored ice cream everyone was looking at Ab weirdly though but Ab was just standing there being good so we kept eating our ice cream

3rd person

As team rwby, Diemos and Y/N were eating ice cream Y/N also gave some to Ab but there was a little neo haired colored girl was watching them and took a picture she mainly took it because Y/N was cute but also because of how the 7 looked and left a bit later

Neo Pov ("" is her typing on her scroll

I had just arrived back at base and I heard the familiar voice of roma,Cinder,Mercury and emerald as I went over to them

Cinder: "Just get it done roman oh neo there you are"

Neo: "I have something you might wanna see"

Cinder: "Ok then show me"

Everyone gathers around as neo pulls up the picture and neo points at Y/N

Mercury: "Ok then its a brat what's so special about that"

Emerald: "Aw hes so cute"

Neo: "See the one in the armor and the thing next to them on the leash im interested them and also the cute little boy I wonder what that halo is about it looks pretty special"

Cinder: "Hm yes your right follow those three especially the little boy also send the picture to me I wanna show our mistress"

Emerald: "Oh send one to me too"

Roma: "Me too"

Neo sends the picture to cinder, emerald and roma and walks off meanwhile cinder leaves with emerald and mercury

Cinder Pov

As we went to the grimm lands I went into the queens chamber

Cinder: "Mistress you might be interested in this"

Salem: "If its not important then I don't want to see it"

Cinder: "Just take a look"

Salem huffs and looks at the picture

Salem: "Hm the kid is cute but what is with the thing and the person in that armor and also that halo ok cinder good job I want someone to follow those three"

Cinder: "I've already got neo on it my queen"

Salem: "Good now leave me"
Sorry for not posting for 2 days this was a work in progress and some things happened irl that held me back

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