Chapter 10

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3rd person

Classes had just ended and Team rwby and jnpr were in the room where Y/N was watching him

"I hope he will be ok" Ruby said worriedly

"He is strong ruby hes gonna be okay" Yang said trying to relax ruby

It has been a full day now and Y/N is starting to grow a tail not any tail though this one had a sharp end that looked like a knife it could do some damage and has it started to grow Y/an shifted onto his stomach and the sheet fell off

"Look yang look at his back" Ruby said pointing

"What? Oh my god what is that" Yang said surprised

"It kinda looks like a tail" Black says

"It looks deadly" Weiss said

"Cool its a knife tail its a bit small though" Nora said excited but disappointed

"Well maybe this is just another one of his changes and it has to grow" Ren said interested

"Awesome I wish I had a knife tail" Ruby said wanting one

"Ren please!?!?" Nora said begging ren for one

"Maybe I will build you one someday" Ren said

"Yay!!" Nora said

"Hey deimos you sure you wanna wait here I mean it could get boring" Yang said to Deimos

"I'm good here Yang I have to protect him after all its my job" Deimos said looking at Y/N

"Ok then anyways we gotta go now we've got a lot of stuff to do" Weiss said

Everyone except deimos and Y/N left the room while deimos waved bye meanwhile Y/N kept sleeping peacefully as his knife tail grew more

Time skip

Its been about over a week now and noe Y/N was starting to wake up as he looked around he rubbed his eyes then noticed something he screamed as he looked at his hands and deimos woke up

"WHAT'S WRONG WHO'S THERE" Deimos yelled standing up with his weapon aiming around the room

Deimos looked at Y/N and realized why Y/N was screaming

"Oh Y/N dont worry about it your alright" Deimos said

"B-but what happened to me? I have so many questions. I want mom!!" Y/N yelled as he started to cry

Just then team rwby and jnpr busted into the room

"WHAT HAPPENED WE HEARD YELLING" Ruby asked frantically

"Y/N woke up and is asking for his mother" Deimos said

"I will go get her you guys try to cheer Y/N up" Weiss said leaving to get Mrs Goodwitch

"Its ok Y/N youve got nothing to worry about" Ruby said with a smile

"You promise?" Y/N said through sniffles

"I promise" Ruby said

"What happened to me I feel weird and I have a tail and my mouth feels weird and I have claws" Asked Y/N rapidly

"Well then it seems youve awoken" A doctor said

Y/N turned to see a doctor there with a notepad

"What happened?" Y/N asked again

"Well Y/N there have been some major changes to your body so were gonna do some test to make sure you can do everything again" The doctor said

Y/N nods and they do some test on Y/N like walking and running and examining

"Ok seems like everything is in order now Y/N your gonna have to learn how to use your tail and get use to the weight your also very flexible now and it seems that you are twice as fast as you were before and also stronger your teeth are better and you have more but overall your healthy and good" The doctor said with a smile

Mrs Goodwitch had arrived as the test were going on and after hearing about all the things were okay she picked up Y/N again

"Huh he doesn't feel heavier" Mrs goodwitch said

"Also one more thing it seems that there some poison in his tail that can be injected we are still trying to figure out what it is so try to not stab anyone" The doctor said

"Ok then" Mrs goodwitch said

After the whole incident Y/N stuck with his mother the entire rest of the day

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