Chapter 9

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3rd person Pov

A new day was rising as team rwby and deimos got up but when yang stepped out"ve the bed there was something wet on the floor she looked down and sae a puddle of blood and noticed it was coming from Y/N she screamed as everyone else jolted awake and noticed they quickly put on their clothes and took Y/N to beacons medical staff but they couldn't go in they had to wait until the doctors were done with whatever they were doing

Time skip

After about an hour with ozpin and glynda arriving too the doctors came out and looked at everyone

"Tell me hes okay please" Glynda said worried for Y/N

"I hope hes gonna be fine" Ruby said crossing her fingers

"Everyone do not worry it seems that the changes we talked about are what is causing this not to worry because he is not going to bleed out if you'd come with me please we can talk" The doctor said trying his best to calm everyone down

Team rwby,Deimos,ozpin and glynda nodded and took a step inside where Y/N lied sleeping peacefully then the doctor lifted up one of Y/N's hands where his fingernails were gone and there was a little bit of a claw coming out

"As you can see his claws are just starting to form" The doctor said

Everyone was relieved that it was just Y/N's body changing and that he was going to be alright

"Also we've noticed that Y/N's teeth have started to fall out more he only has a few normal teeth left and the new ones have already started to grow in but for now I would advise him to eat soft foods until the changes are complete like I said please keep bringing him here for a while so we can monitor his progress" The doctor said happily

Glynda was happy that things were going well with Y/N and ozpin was intrigued wanting to see what would happen

"See glynda everything is fine
now then how about we let Y/N rest here for a bit you csn visit him later" Ozpin said comforting glynda

Glynda hesitated but nodded knowing things would be fine with Y/N here

"Don't worry Mrs. Goodwitch me and Ab will make sure Y/N is alright it is my job to protect our creator" Deimos said

"Thank you deimos anyways children lets go and continue on with the day" Glynda said happily

Everyone nodded and started to go their separate ways while Y/N slept peaceful

Time skip

Things were going fine deimos watched as the doctor would make sure they pulled out the remaining teeth that fell out and checked when the claws and new teeth were coming in things were going pretty smoothly for now but in ozpins office a certain general was there talking to ozpin and glynda

"Good day glynda" General ironwood said

"Hello general ironwood" Glynda said

"Anyways general ironwood would you not bring a fleet everywhere you go" Ozpin said looking at the fleet outside

"Well im just being safe" General ironwood said looking at ozpin

"U understand that bu-" Opzin was cut off

The elevator dings and the doctor steps in and sees what's happening

"Am I interrupting something" The doctor asked

"Oh no how is Y/N" Ozpin said

"Who is Y/N" Asked general ironwood

"He is my son" Glynda said

"You have a son" General ironwood said surprised

"Well things are going good so far his new teeth and claws are coming in fine so far" The doctor said happily

"Ozpin you have some explaining to do" General ironwood said looking at ozpin

"I know general ironwood anyways doctor keep watching him for now" Ozpin said happily

"Ok then good day everyone"

The doctor leaves as general ironwood looks at ozpin and glynda

One explanation later

"So wait let me get this straight you have a son that can control the ground, summon an army and erase anyone with a if they wanted to and now hes growing claws and teeth that could which could probably tear a man to sherds" Ironwood said in disbelief and surprise

"Yes he can and we still don't fully know the extent of his abilities" Ozpin said

"How old is Y/N exactly" Ironwood asked

"He is 5 years old" Glynda said happily

"Really only 5 this is great we could save so many lives with him" Ironwood said


"Ok ok glynda I understand" Ironwood said

"Right now as you heard he going through some changes with his body which are not normal so we are keeping an eye out for him and doing all we can to help him" Ozpin said

"Well then I will have to keep this in mind hut please keep me updated incase things happened" Ironwood said

"Well we do have something have something to go off of about his powers" Ozpin said

"Really show me then" Ironwood said

"I will send you a copy of the video and we have what he says what happened before he gained these abilities it is interesting to say the least" Ozpin said

Ozpin pulled out the drawing as ironwood and glynda looked at it

"Who are these two" Ironwood asked

"Well from what we can tell these are the people who helped him gain these powers the one on the left was apparently named The Auditor and the one on the right is called Sokar" Ozpin said

"Very interesting names and what about the background" Ironwood asked

"Well he said they called it nevada it is a very interesting place" Ozpin said

"Thank you ozpin for sharing with me I hear that you have two teams looking after him" Ironwood said

"Yes it seems team rwby and jnpr are watching him" Ozpin said

"Winter make sure to get in touch with your sister and get info" Ironwood said

"Understood general ironwood" Winter said

"Well now ozpin I think its time for us to leave now good day" General ironwood said

"Good day general ironwood" Ozpin said

Winter and ironwood left shortly after

"This is an interesting year indeed" Ozpin said

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