Chapter 5

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3rd person Pov

A new day was rising high as glynda woke up she went outside but was spooked as two more of the yellow masked men stood outside her door they turned to look at her

???: "Ah miss goodwitch im presume your going out with Y/N today we have already started to prepare breakfast"

Glynda could smell the scent of waffles and bacon as she looked now two more yellow masked people were coming down the hall as they passed the yellow masked men waved to eachother and left

Glynda: "Um explain to me how you guys got here"

???: "We were summoned by our creator"

Glynda sighed she really should've expected that her son summoned them so she just decided to close her door and get ready after she did she went down to kitchen and there were more hello masked men but now there was a what looked to a janitor cleaning the house and a cook while there was a more heavily armored man feeding Y/N breakfast

Glynda sighed she really should've expected that her son summoned them so she just decided to close her door and get ready after she did she went down to kitchen and there were more hello masked men but now there was a what looked to a janitor cle...

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(Pretend his visor is yellow)

Glynda: "Y/N who's the person in the armor"

Y/N: "Its diemos mommy don't you remember him"

Glynda: "Oh good morning diemos"

Diemos: "Good morning miss goodwitch we already prepared your breakfast"

Glynda looked over to see pancakes and bacon ready to eat as the cook got covered in black and red lighting disappearing like he was never there and the janitor started to clean up the kitchen

Glynda: "Ok Y/N wanna go see team rwby and jnpr"

Y/N nods excitedly as everyone except Y/N, diemos and glynda got covered in black lightning and disappeared then they left the house and started got onto a bullhead as they landed glynda set Y/N down in his usual spot as glynda got ready for her classes


After the classes and team rwby and jnpr finding out the person with them diemos yang had an idea

Yang: "Hey guys so I was thinking hoe about we see what else Y/N could do it sounds pretty cool"

Ruby: "Yang that's a great idea come on guys lets do it"

Glynda: "I think that would be fine I should go call ozpin"

Glynda left as team rwby and jnpr put Y/N in the arena and shortly after glynda came back with ozpin ruby held up a little flag with Y/N name on it


Y/N focused on his and as black and red lighting came and formed something it was 9.8 meters tall and wore a mask that had deformed teeth and had a dessert eagle that was as big as Y/N

Everyone was surprised that Y/N could summon this thing it looked at Y/N and said in a deep voice

???: "Creator what do you need doing?"

Y/N: "What is your name?"

???: "I am called torture"

Y/N: "Okay torture"

Everyone was impressed and intimidated and torture went and joined diemos by the arena


Yang: "Yeah that was pretty cool Y/N"

Ozpin: "Very interesting Y/N it is very unique indeed"

Y/N: "I can do more if you want"


Y/N nods and focuses as the ground cracks and flies up with Y/N on it it was tall and then Y/N made it go back down as everyone was very happy that they got to see the cool things Y/N could do and Y/N was equally excited since he got to show his friends all his cool powers

Nora: "Make that black and red lightning again it looks so cool"

Y/N nods and points to the ground then a flash of black of red lighting came down upon it frying the ground


Y/N: "I wanna summon one more thing"

Glynda: "Go ahead Y/N"

Y/N smiles as something is summoned it was 6 ft tall and had sharp claws and teeth it wore a torn straight jacket and had flesh ripped off and blood dripped onto the floor

Y/N smiles as something is summoned it was 6 ft tall and had sharp claws and teeth it wore a torn straight jacket and had flesh ripped off and blood dripped onto the floor

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(Pretend it has sharp claws and teeth)

Everyone else was disgusted at at this thing meanwhile diemos and torture stood there looking at it as it walked towards Y/N and stared

Diemos: "Sir would you like me to take care of it"

Y/N: "Can you keep it its a gift"

Diemos was taken back a gift from his creator this was too good to pass over

Diemos: "I would be honored I will take care of it"

Diemos grabbed the abominations hand and made it stand next to him and everyone else clapped for Y/N

Glynda: "Wow Y/N that was an amazing show"

Ruby: "Yeah it was so cool Y/N"

Weiss: "Certainly a good show Y/N"

Ozpin: "You are unique Y/N im happy for you"

Y/N cheered and hugged them happily

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