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Sidenote you havent got your halo or red eyes yet
Gylnda goodwitch POV

She was finally home after making sure the students didn't kill each other in combat class she was tired and finally had a chance to rest when she heard a door open and there he was her little bundle of joy Y/N Goodwitch he ran up laughing and she hugged Y/N as Y/N hugged back

Glynda: "Y/N have you been good today" She said happily

Y/N: "Yes mom I've been good can I please have some ice cream now"
Y/N said as he wanted to have sweets

Glynda: "Ok then lets go get you an ice cream now"

She walked with Y/N excited to get ice cream as she got him ice cream out of the freezer and opened it giving it to Y/N as Y/N ate it she went over to the living room and sat down and rested

Glynda: "Y/N tommorow you have to come with me to work since I cant get a babysitter for tommorow ok?"

Y/N: "Ok mom" Finishes ice cream

Glynda: "Now then Y/N time for bed"

Glynda picked up Y/N and washed him up then out on his nightwear and layed him down she read him a book and he fell asleep

Glynda: "Goodnight Y/N"

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