Chapter-1 Meet

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Y/n pov.
I woke up by my alarm. And remembered that I have school today. I did my morning routine and get dressed and headed towards school with my bycycle.

A Basketball was thrown to me as I entered the school. I was nearly falling from the bycycle. What a start of my day. I noticed there was a guy. And he came towards me and said,
??: Hey! Don't you have eyes or what?
Me: WTF! you hit the ball and you accusing me?
??:Wow! Now you wanted to fight.
Me:You started it.
??: Leave. I don't want fight fight with a girl.
Me: Ok! Let's fight. Let's see who is going to win.
Suddenly our math teacher came.
Teacher:Hey you two don't you have classes? Fighting in the morning.
Us: Sorry teacher!
Me:I will see you later (Whisper)
??: Okay lets see.

Time skip(In class)
Teacher: Ok students. I want pin drop silence. And there will be a new student in you class. Hey you! Introduce yourself.
?? Hello. I am Kim Taehyung. I am new here please take care of me.

Y/n pov.
I was drawing in the class, and I heard that a new student came. I have no interest in that guy. But I recognised the voice and saw that the morning guy.
Teacher:Ok Taehyung. You can sit beside Y/n. Y/n please raise your hand.
Y/n:(In mind) WTF now I have to sit beside that Taehyung guy.

KTH Pov.
Y/n hmm. That girl is quite interesting.
But she is quite dangerous too

A/n pov.
Y/n: oh I see. Your name is Taehyung. So let's see after class who is more powerful. Btw I am Lee Y/n

Tae: Let's see

Time skip ( After class)
Y/n pov.
Guess what we faught. But our friends separate us. So the winner was not decided. But the guy is quite interesting.Aish what are thinking Y/n.

After school.
As I going towards my cycle. Again I saw Taehyung. Don't tell he has cycle too. But what he was doing in front of my cycle.
Y/n: Hey You! What are you doing? In front of my cycle.
Tae:I am here for my cycle but can you move your cycle so I can take my cycle.
I sighed and move my cycle.
After he gone I take my cycle snd headed towards home.
After reaching my apartment I saw Taehyung again beside my apartment.  WTF now don't tell me. He was the new owner of the apartment next door.
Tae: Hello! I am Kim Taehyung. Your new neighbour. And you?

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