Chapter 9 Care

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Y/n pov:
Now I am 9 months pregnant with our baby boy. Yes we are expecting a boy. These months Tae really didn't let me to do any work. He also working from home to take care of me. I am sure that he is going to be the best father. Everyday he talk with my belly. He woke up before me to make breakfast. He is always ready to give me massage or make my weird food cravings. Whenever he went out he brought clothes and toys for our baby.
Now we are watching a cinema. Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my belly.
Y/n: Tae! My water broke. Take me to the hospital.
He pick up me in bridal style and went to our car.
Time skip In hospital
Tae pov:
Y/n is now in delevery room. I am freaking nervous. Suddenly I heard a baby's cry. Then a doctor came.
Doc: Congratulations Mr.Kim . You have a boy. Mother and baby both are fine now. Y/n is taking a rest.
Tae: Thanks doc. Can I meet them?
Doc: Yeah sure.
Then I went to my two precious Angeles. My baby boy is now sleeping.

 My baby boy is now sleeping

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Y/n smiled to me.
Y/n: Tae look he is so cute and small. Now we are parents. We should name him Kim Tae- Joon
Tae: Yes it's great. I want to hold him. But...
Y/n: No buts. Hold him. Nothing will happen.
As I hold him. I felt something special. He is so soft and cute.
Tae: Thanks y/n for the precious gift. I Love you Y/n
Y/n: I love you too and Jonnie.

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