Chapter-4 Promise

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Y/n pov:
I went back from hospital. These days Tae is really sweet and caring towards me. He didn't let me to do any kind of work. He do all the house chores, and then go to school. Well he is a boyfriend material. He is the best lover in the whole world.🤗

Time skip
I dont understand why time fly so fast it's had been 1year since we confessed to each other. Yes it's our 1 year dating aniversary. I bought couple necklaces for gift.
The necklaces:

The necklaces:

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Tae pov.
Today is our 1 year dating aniversary. This is best 1 year I had. She is best girlfriend I could imagine. I bought couple ring for us. (A/n কত মিল!) 
The rings:

Time Skip (evening)Y/n pov:It's already evening

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Time Skip (evening)
Y/n pov:
It's already evening. Why he didn't come back yet. And then the doorbell rang. I opened and I saw Tae with a big bouquet of White roses. He knows that how much I like white roses.
Tae: Happy Anniversary Love!
Y/n: Happy Anniversary Tae! I hope we can spend our next years like this.
Tae: I hope that too. And I promise that no matter what happened I will spend my last day with you.
Y/n:Me too! Now leave that emotional talks. I have gift for you.
Then I have him the necklaces..
His reaction was priceless.
Tae:You bought this? You don't know how much I like it. I also have a gift for you.
Then he gave me s box. As I opened it, There were couple rings.
Y/n: Tae, Don't you think it's too early for getting married.
Tae: No Love, I am not proposing you, these are promise rings. And giving this to you I promise that I never leave your side you never be alone.
Y/n: I also promise that no matter what happened I will always stay beside you.
Tae:I love you so much Y/niee
Y/n : I love you too my babybear.

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