~*Chapter 5 - Drunk*~

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"All right, pencils down!" the professor said.

Yelena gasps in relief, while Natasha just stares at her paper.

"Please take your final exams to the back of the classroom," the professor said.

Yelena glanced at Natasha and saw the look on her face, "Oof, she's not having a good time," she thought. Natasha sighed and packed her things.

"Final grades will be posted in two weeks," their professor said.

"Hey, you all good?" Yelena asked her sister as she finally got to her.

Natasha looks at her sister and forced a smile, "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" she asked.

"Really? Your smile is so fake," Yelena said rolling her eyes.

Natasha also rolled her eyes, "Whatever," she said with a chuckle.

"We are partying tonight, by the way," Yelena told her, excitedly.

Natasha chuckled, "Oh my god," she said while Yelena laughs.


"This is way too much, Yel," Natasha told her sister as Yelena puts more lipstick on Natasha's lips.

"No, this is exactly the right amount," Yelena said with a laugh.

"I probably will look like Miranda Sings now," Natasha said, Yelena couldn't help but laugh.

Natasha looks at the mirror after Yelena finishes doing her lips, "Wow, this is too much," Natasha said.

The doorbell rang, "The cab's early, let's go sisssss," Yelena said going to the door.

Natasha sputters, feeling overwhelmed.

She then saw Yelena coming back with a small box, "What is that?" Natasha asked, confused.

"It's a package for you," Yelena said, also confused.

Yelena then looks at the paper, "Why didn't you tell me that there was danger? Why didn't you warn me? Ladies know what to guard against-" Yelena reads the letter.

"Because they read novels that tell them of these tricks," Natasha continued.

"Huh, you know?" Yelena asked, and her sister nodded.

"That's a quote from Tess of the D'Urbervilles," Natasha answered, Yelena, handed her the package.

Natasha then opens a package to reveal a present, "Oh my god," she said, surprised.

"These must be from Steve," she said, her sister just looks at her, confused.

"Do you...I mean...uh these are incredible," Natasha said looking through pages, feeling the book.

"Wow, Rogers," Yelena said smirking.

"Yelena, these are first editions," Natasha said, in shock.

"I can't, this is too much," Natasha said, while Yelena rolled her eyes at her sister.

"Just keep it," Yelena said.

"No, I can't, I have to send these back," Natasha replied.

They both then heard a honk, Natasha drinks some water, "Are you ready?" Yelena asked her.

Natasha shook her head indicating no, Yelena raised an eyebrow at her, and Natasha then nodded, "yes, yes, I am very ready," Natasha said.

Yelena smiled, "PARTY HERE WE COME!" Yelena shouted.


Everyone was dancing, drinking, and vibing. The music was loud kind of hurting Natasha's ears. Damn, that club is wild. But anyway, all of them are having fun, living their night.

𝐅𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐲 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐬 𝐎𝐟 𝐑𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬 (𝐑𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬)Where stories live. Discover now