Get it, girl! (Benny Rodriguez)

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(Your POV)

I sprinted to the Sandlot. I don't know why I was in such a hurry, but I was?

"Woah!" I scream as I see a huge dog running towards me.

"Y/N!" The boys scream.

"I-I-" I stumble and almost fall.

"RUN!" Benny yells.

"AH!" I turn around, trying not to trip.

"BABE, RUNNNN!" Benny screams. I dodge the dog and hide behind a tree. I've had asthma for 3 years now, and well, I think I dropped my inhaler on the run. I hear the boys run up. I stay hidden.

"Where d-do you think she is?!" Kenny asks, catching his breath.

"She dropped her inhaler, I know that for sure!" I hear Benny's accent tell them.

"B-Benny!" I whisper yell. His head shoots toward my direction. He comes to a holt.

"Mi amor, don't move." He mumbles.

"What?!" I whisper. I hear growling. My eyes widen, but I keep looking in Benny's eyes. His eyes are so calming. My chest is rising up and down. "Give me my inhaler!" I whisper. He shakes his head. "Now."

"I-okay." He slowly walks towards me. "Babe, let's go!" He whispers as he hands me my inhaler.

"O-one sec." I breathe into the medical device. I put my two fingers to my neck to see if my pulse went down. Nope.

"Baby, we have to go, now!" He yells. I feel something sharp go into my right thigh and right arm.

"Fuck!" Benny takes my hand as we start sprinting.

Blood drips everywhere. On my new white shoes, too?! Ugh! There was blood on Benny's hands, shirt, and pants. Oops. Once we get into the Sandlot, we run for the fence. The boys all try to jump over the fence but I can't get over because of how much blood I lost. I can't feel my leg or arm.

"Y/N-?" I fall right onto my back.

"Owww, man. That's harsh." I wheeze. I look over at the fence, I see the dog barking at us and making a hole in the fence.

"OH SHIT!" Benny yells. They all take cover except for Benny. He's watching me, hope in his eyes. I look over to see the fence tumbling down. A loud crash takes over Mr. Mertles yard.

"Everyone okay?" Bertram asks.

"Y/N!" Benny screams. I come crawling out of the dust, coughing. "Y-Y/N!" He runs over to me. He embraces me. "Oh, baby. I'm so glad you're okay." He mumbles into my dirty ass hair. I breathe rapidly. Benny looks over me for any injures. "Y-you're bleeding." I look down to my thigh.

"Holy shit." I mumble. My hands shake. I put pressure on the wound.

"Here." Benny takes off his fleece. I roll it up into a ball and apply pressure.

"Thank you." I look into his eyes. He leans in and kisses me passionately. He holds my face.

I clutch the boy for dear life. "I-I love you."

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