You Can Stay (part 2)

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The girls and I arrive at the field first. We see Phillips team riding in on their fancy bikes. I fake gag.

"Hey, Non-Pussy Eater!" I yell as I wave.

"Shut up, Y/L/N." He replies.

"That's fair." I sigh. I see Benny and his team enter the field. I throw my bat and glove where Maria, MJ, and Zoes were. "You ready?" I ask as I walk up to Ham.

"Not really. But we're way better than Phillips, so I'm not worried." He chuckles. I smile.

"Here. I brought my catchers gear for you, Ham." I smile again.

"Really? Thanks, Y/N!" He laughs.

"I'll show you!" I walk over and grab the catchers bag. "You and Maria with both get turns." I put down the bag and zip it open.

"Woah!" He gasps.

"Yeah. I got it for my 14th birthday a few months ago. It's sick, huh?" I laugh.

"You're 14?! I thought you were 19!" I laugh at his response.

"Who's 14?" Benny asks, walking up to us. He look down into the bag. "Woah." Hs smiles.

"Y/N is 14! You finally have someone your age, Benny-Man." Ham cheers.

"You're 14?!" We both gasp at the same time. I snort. Benny laughs.

"Quit it, lovebirds. The game is starting. Get your pussies out here." I dramatically gasp. Benny laughs and walks away.

"Hey, Kenny. Do you wanna pitch? I don't think Phillips will let me." I sigh.

"Yeah, sure!" He smiles.

"Thanks." I smile back. Benny swapped some boys out of the field with the girls.

"Y/N. Why don't you play second. Bertram pulled something in his arm." Benny tells me.

"Of course I will." I grab my glove and jog out to 2nd base.

"Thanks, Y/N!" Bertram thanks me when while he runs past me to go and sit out.

"No problem." I land at 2nd. The game had just begun. He first boy was up at bat. Benny was playing right-center field, so he was behind me. After the first two batters had strike outs, I got bored. "Just hit the damn ball, you pussy!" I groan. Everybody laughs except for the other team. He had got a strike out, too.

"Finally." Kenny proceeds. "My arm is killing me!"

"Yeah, I get it, man. If you need me to pitch, I'm happily here." I offer.

"Yeah, can you pitch next?" He asks while holding his shoulder.

"Y/N, you're not supposed to be pitching." MJ says while walking over to us.

"I don't care. You wanna win this game? In order to do that, we need a pitcher. And our pitcher is clearly injured and we don't want to forfeit the game, now do we?" I plead.

"Alright." MJ sighs in defeat. I nod. It was now Benny's turn to hit.

"Cmon, Benny!" We all cheer. He hit a homer. "Yeah!" We cheer again.

"Y/N, you're up." Benny tells me. My breath hitches. "Hey, you're gonna do just fine." He rubs my back. "You got this. Just keep your eye on the ball."

"Thanks. I whisper. I take a deep breath and grab my bat. I walk into the field somewhat confident.

"Look, a girl is gonna hit!" The pitcher laughs and points at me. Tears prick my eyes. I look back at Benny with no hope in my eyes. He gave me a thumbs up. I nod. I get into my 'perfect' stance.

"She's got a good stance, Phillips." A kid says.

"Shut up." He growls. The ball comes flying towards me and I dodge it.

"The hell what that for?" I yell.

"What the hell, man?!" Ham defends.

"She's a girl, that's what." The pitchers snares. I roll my eyes and get back into my stance. He pitches the ball and it goes right over home plate. Crack! I hit a home run.

"Yeah!" Zoe cheers.

"That's my girl!" Ham yells.

"Nice one!" Benny hugs me as I run across home plate.

"Thanks." I put my head in the crook of his neck.

"We should do this more often." He flirts. I giggle and look him in the eye. He leans down and it happened. He put one hand on my face and one on my waist. I raise my hand to his cheek. I put my other hand on the back of his neck. I deepen the kiss, neither of us pull away.

"Get a room!" Phillips whines. I pull away and flip him off. I turn my head again and kiss Benny once more

He pulls away. "Y/N-? Will you be my g-girlfriend?" He asks shyly.

I kiss him again. "Yes." I smile. He hugs me again.

"Great hit, by the way." I tell him.

"Thanks. You had a good one, too." He chuckles. He walks me over to the dugout while I grab my stuff.

"I can't believe we actually won that game. I've seen Phillips play before. They're good, but not as good as you guys." I smile.

"Are you kidding? If you and your friends hadn't hit those homers, we wouldn't of won!" He freaks. I giggle.

"Hey, you wanna go to the carnival with the boys and I? They love you, they won't mind." He asks.

I look him in the eyes. "I'd love to." We get to my house and I kiss him goodnight. Best day ever!

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