Game Day (Benny Rodriguez)

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I fielded the ball at second base, throwing it to my friend, Tara, our first base player.

"Out!" The umpire calls.

"Yeah!" My team cheers. It was the third out. I smile and shake my head. I walk over to Tara and pat her on the back.

"Good catch our there." I smile.

"Good throw." She laughs. I giggle.

"Y/N, Lucy, and Tara, you're our first hitters this inning." Our coach calls. "Y/N, you're leading us off." I nod.

"Let's get some hits, girls!" Bella calls.

We all cheer. I slip on my helmet and grab my bat. I let the pitcher get some warm up throws. Coach calls me over.

"Y/N, you're one of the best hitters on the team," he starts. I smile lightly. "I want you to go through your drills that we've been working on." I nod. "I want you to blast that ball over the fence. Sky high." He says.

"I'll try my best." I sigh.

"Alright, go on out there and show these folks how powerful you are." He pats my back. I walk over to the batters box. I get into my stance. The pitcher pitches the ball.

It goes slightly outside the box. "Ball!" The umpire calls. "0-1!"

I take a deep breath. The second pitch comes straight at me. I swing the bat. Crack! I run as fast as I can. I stop at first and don't see the ball anywhere.

"GO, GO, GO!" My team screams. I scramble off the base and go to second, I continue to run to third, landing at home plate. The whole crowd cheers.

"YEAH!" My coach yells. I grab my bat and run inside the dugout.

"Yeah, Y/N!" Tara screams. "You showed them who's boss!"

I laugh. I feel arms wrap around my waist. I turn around to see Benny. "Hey, Ben." I smile.

"Hey, princess." He leans down and kisses me passionately. I smile into the kiss. "Good hit out there." He says. "You're almost better than me." He cringes.

I gasp. "I am better than you!"

"Meh." He shakes his head. "I wouldn't say that."

I scoff. "Whatever." I push him out of the dugout.

"Love you!" He calls and runs back over to the sandlot boys.

"Love you, too!" I laugh and shake my head.

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