The girl who made baseball (Benny Rodriguez)

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I swung the bat, the baseball shooting in the air.

"Nice!" My friend, Ricky, shouted. I made it home in about 20 seconds. I gave him a high-five. I looked around. I spotted a tall tan boy. I wave. He nods his head.

"That's Daniel." Julia smiles. "He's the hottest guy here."

"I see, I see," I chuckle. "I gotta head home, guys. Cya!" I call out before jogging home.

I walk by the pink house. I saw a new kid. He waves.

"Hey!" He smiles.

"Hey!" I wave back. "You need help?" I chuckle as I grab one of the boxes from his grasp.

"Yeah, that would be nice. Thanks." He nods and walks into the house. I follow his lead.

"Ooh. Nice house." I gasp.

"Meh." He chuckles. I laugh and follow him into what seemed to be his room. "This is my room." He scratches his head.

"It's cool." I smile.

"You can head out if ya want." He protests. "Names Scotty by the way, Scott Smalls."

"Well, nice to meet ya, Scott Smalls." I giggle. "I'm Y/N." I put my hand out and he shakes it. "And, you're right. I have to get going. I'm gonna play ball with some kids. You know how to play?" I hold up the baseball in my hand.

He chuckles nervously. "I mean- yeah! I do- no.. I don't." He sighs. I giggle.

"Hey, it's okay," I reassure him. "I didn't know how to play, either. My dad taught me when I was younger. I could teach you?"

His frown turns into a warm smile. "Yeah! I'd like that."

"Great. You got a glove?" I ask.

"Nah, I mean- grandma got me one for my 6th birthday, but it's just straight up plastic." He sighs. I laugh.

"It's okay. My friend, Benny, might have one." I say. "Cmon!" I walk out of the house, Scott following me.

"Ma! Imma go play some ball, be back in a little while!" He shuts the screen door.

"Cmon." I wave for him to follow me. "Hey, is it okay if I call you 'Smalls' or, 'Scotty', it's fine if I can't?" We were almost to the field.

"Yeah, that's fine." He sighs. I nod.

"We're here." I point to the Sandlot. "Feels like home." I sigh. "Follow me." I walk into the field.

"Hey, Y/N- who's this?" Benny runs up to me.

"Oh, Benny, this is Scott. Scotty, this is Benny. The friend I told you about." I introduce them.

"Nice to meet ya, man." Benny smile and shakes Small's hand.

"Yeah, y-you too." He was nervous.

"Look, if you're not comfortable, I'll take ya home. But can you at least try to stay? We need an extra player, and I want a new friend." I sigh. Benny agrees. Benny puts his head on my shoulder and arms around my waist. He was about to fall asleep. I laugh quietly.

"3..2..1. BENNY!" I scream.

"AH!" He jumps in front of me. "WHAT?!" He shouts, looking around.

"Doofus." I roll my eyes and lead Small's to the team.
To be continued..

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