Sprite Challenge (Benny Rodriguez)

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"Hi. How are you?" I smile to the cashier.

"I'm good, how are you?" He smiles back.

"I'm good! Thanks for asking." I laugh. He nods.

"Your total is $1.50." I cringe at the price but give the dollar and 50 cent.

"Have a good day!" I smile.

"You too!" He smiles back. I push the doors open and see the team waiting outside.

"What took you so long?" Squints asks.

"She was flirting with the cashier!" Yeah-Yeah teases. I roll my eyes.

"Cmon!" Benny shouts as we start walking down the street.

"Who's house?" I ask. Everyone looks at me. "Fine." I roll my eyes.

We arrive at my house. I hold the door open for the boys. Once they all get in the house, I close the door. I lead them up the stairs to my room.

"Woah." I hear Smalls gasp. I giggle. We all sit in a circle. I grab a pillow and put it in my lap.

"Ready?" I sigh. They all nod.

I open the bottle and it sizzled. I snort at the sound. Everyone opened theirs as well.

"3...2...1!" Benny shouts. We all put the bottle to our mouths and chugged. I gasp.

"It burns!" I scream. Benny takes my hand and squeezes as he continues to gulp down his drink. I put the bottle back to my mouth and chug. I was near done with the bottle when all of the boys started burping like crazy. I gag. "I'm gonna throw up!" I drank the very last bit before chucking the bottle across the room. I couldn't look at that drink ever again.

"Ah!" Bertram gasps.

"Y/N- did you burp yet?" Timmy chokes. I smirk and shake my head.

"WHAT?!" Ham screams. I laugh.

"I'm just that good!" I shrug. "I'll be right back!" I cover my mouth and sprint to bathroom. I put my head over the toilet and breathe heavily. I didn't throw up, thank goodness. I walk out of the bathroom, holding my stomach.

"You okay, princess?" Benny smirks. I tumble and fall to the ground dramatically. I crawl into Benny's lap and take a deep breath. He laughs.

"I'm gonna skip the Sandlot today, y'all." Ham sighs. We all agree.

"I think you guys should get home. I don't wanna get in trouble." I say in defeat. They all laugh and agree. They file out. Benny stays.

"How kind." I smile. He plops on my bed, me following his actions. "What do you wanna watch?"

Benny sighs while thinking. "Ooh! How about Avengers: Age if Ultron!" (He's a keeper) He gasps. I gasp, too.

"Yes!" I screech. I press the buttons and the Avengers intro comes on. I sigh in satisfaction. My eyes flutter shut.

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