Volleyball (Benny Rodriguez)

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I run out onto the field for air time at school, volleyball in my hands.

"Ready?" I exclaim to my friend, Laura.

"More than ready!" She smiles. I nod and serve the ball. She hits it back but it goes to the side a little. I rush over, arms out in front of me. I hit it but it goes behind me.

"My point!" She laughs.

"Ugh!" I joke. I shake my head and run to grab the ball. I look over to see random kids playing baseball.

"Y/N! Come on!" Laura exclaims.

"Right!" I rush over. "Here, your serve." I pass the ball to her.

"Ready?" She asks. I nod. She serves the ball. It was about to go over my head when I blocked it by jumping up. I spike it to her. She hits it back. We play back and forth for about 2 minutes. After I got the point, I look over to see someone looking at me. I notice who it is. Benny Rodriguez.

My cheeks go red, I turn my attention back to Laura and our game.

"Wait!" My friends that are boys rush over.

"What took you so long?" Laura groans.

"Teach wouldn't get her ass up!" Derek replies. I roll my eyes. I serve the ball. Laura hits it to my other friend, Peter, and he hits it over to us. Derek hits it to me. I spike it over the "net."

"Yeah!" I scream. I high-five Derek. I turn my attention back to the baseball game. I see Benny running the bases. I get completely blown away that I start walking over to the game. At that point, Benny was between third base and home plate.

"Cmon, Benny-Man!" Hamilton Porter exclaimed. I stand by the fence. I put my fingers in the holes of the fence. (😏) I watch closely. Benny made it to home.

"Nice!" I whisper. He spots me and winks at me. I blush and start to walk away.

"Hey, wait!" I hear him say. I smirk and turn around innocently.

"Yes?" I ask. He smirks.

"What's your name?" He asks.

"Y/N, what about you?" I smile.

"Ah, I knew your name sounded familiar. The boys are always talking about you, Y/N." He smirks. I shake my head. "Names Benny."

"Ah, I know your name sounded familiar. The girls are always talking about you, Benny." I mimic him. He smirks.

"I gotta go, but I'll see you soon?" I ask.

"Yeah, I'll see you soon, Y/N," he responds. I nod and walk back to Laura, Derek, and Peter.

"So, Benny Rodriguez, huh?" Laura smirks. I scoff and roll my eyes.

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