Field Day (Benny Rodriguez)

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Okay, so basically, if you don't know what field day is, it's basically a day at school where you're outside, (or inside) and you do really fun activities. For example, jump-rope, tug-of-war, kickball, and other fun activities. Enjoy!

I walk out onto the field. "Woah." I mutter.

"I know, right?" My friend, Sky, responds. "Shit ton of people."

Today was the second-to-last-day of school. It was field day, and we would have so many activities, and I was hyped.

"Mrs. Blake's class, you guys are over here!" One of the people who ran field-day announced.

"Sweet," I mumble. "What you do think the games are this year?" I turn my head to face Sky.

"I don't know," she shrugs. "It's the same every year, but maybe it'll change," she continues, "who knows?"

I smile a little. "True." Our class walked over to the first challenge. "Oh, hell no." I sigh and run my fingers through my hair.

"Ew, I totally hate this one." Sky gags. I giggle.

We were given 1 point when we went around the cone and back. The challenge was to jump in a sack/pillow case.

I was so embarrassed, I was thinking of skipping it. But, just as it was about to be my turn, it was time to switch activities. Thank God.

We all make our way across the field to the next game. It was kick ball against the whole school. I smirk. I look over to my right and my eyes meet Benny's. He nods at me. I wink and walk out onto the field with Benny. He was in my class.

"You take second," he points to the base, "you're the best at it."

I nod. "Okay." I make my way over to second base and get into my ready position. (😭😭)

It was Shawn up at "bat". He kicks the ball down the base path to third.

"Throw it, throw it!" Benny shouts. The person who was at third threw the ball to first.

"Out!" The fielder's shout, including me. After we got the last two outs, it was our turn to kick.

Benny gave me a fist bump. Our class had some of the fastest, most athletic people in school. Perfect.

"We are so gonna win this game." I snicker.

"Hell, yeah." Benny smirks, eyes meeting mine. I get butterflies in my stomach. I quickly turn my attention back to the game.

It was finally my turn to kick. There was 2 outs, this one kick was up to me. I take a deep breath and get up to the plate.

"She's a girl, she can't play!" A boy gasps.

"Sure, she can, man." Benny defends me. "She's better than you, for sure." He laughs.

"Pitch it!" Someone whines. The boy pitches the ball. I just stand there. It went way outside the box.

"Yikes." I take in a sharp breath. The pitcher gets the ball back. He rolls it again, right across the plate. I send my foot out and made contact with the ball. Bounce!

I take off to first base. I make my way to second, then third. I start for home plate. My foot touched home. My P.F Flyers were covered in dirt.

"Yeah!" Benny cheers. "Thata girl!" He laughs. "See, she can play." Benny sticks his tongue out to the boy. I laugh. After kickball ended, it was the real deal.

Tug-of-war. I was so excited. This was my favorite part every year. We all gather around the rope.

"Mrs. Blake's class." The man calls. "Mrs. Clarke's class."

We were up against Mrs. Clarke's class. "We got this." My friend, Carter, nods. He was the fastest kid in school, even faster than Benny.

"Yeah." I mutter. We grab the rope. Benny was behind me, Carter on the other side of me.

"Go!" We all pull as hard as we can. We mostly used our legs. My hands started burning.

"Jesus Christ." I mutter. Benny grunts. I was out of breath. "Fuck, come on!" I mumble.

"Pull!" Carter exclaims. We get shifted forward. "Pull harder!"

We pull with all of our might. "Crap!" Benny yells. He was cursing under his breath. I was about to give up when we won. The other team let go, and we all went flying back.

I screech and laugh. I land next to Benny. "Ello." He smiles. I laugh and get up, grabbing his hand and pulling him up, too.

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