The First Kiss

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I stayed at Benny's for the night after I found out my parents were both still at work. Benny and I slept in the same bed, like always. But this time... this time it was different. Benny's arms were wrapped around my waist. My head was in his chest as we cuddled.

(The next morning)

I groan as I got pulled out of my sleep. "Y/N!" Benny whispered as he shook me.

"Is she dead?" I heard my older sister say. I sat up.

"What are you doing here?!" I whisper-yelled.

"He told me you weren't waking up. I just came to check on you." She shrugged.

"Is Ma home?" I groan at the light.

"Nope. Her and Papa haven't returned." She shrugs again.

"Huh. They would've called by now." I question. She leaves the room.

"Get up, mi amor!" He shakes me. I groan before grabbing some of his clothes and walking into the bathroom. "That's my jersey!" He complains.

"Suck it up, Benny." I shout through the door. I hear him sigh in defeat. I grab the extra toothbrush that I left here and start brushing my teeth. I rinse my face with water. I decided to leave my hair down. I then brushed my hair. I sigh in satisfaction. I walk out but don't see Benny anywhere.

"Benny..?" I scream as he hugs me from behind.

"Gotcha." He smiles. I roll my eyes.

"You are so childish!" I slap his arm. He grabs my hand and leads me out of the house. I get butterflies.

We walk a little farther before we stop, our eyes wide.

"What the fuck?!" I scream as I run to my house. Benny follows. I rush into the house, waving my hand to clear a path. I cough like a maniac. Benny grabs my hand. "Mama?! Papa?!" I scream.

"We need to get out of here, princess." Benny leads me out of the house. I didn't fight him. I knew for a fact my parents weren't home because they would've called.

"What about Izzie?" I cry as I lay on the concrete. I cover my face as I sob.

"It's okay, my love. It's okay." Picks me up and puts me in his lap, rubbing my shoulders.

"Y/N!" My sister screams. I whip my heads towards her voice. I gasp as I get up from Benny's lap and run over to her. "Oh my goodness! Are you okay?!" She examined me.

"I'm okay." I nod.

"Come here, Benny." My sister waves him over. He comes over and she grabs us into a group hugs. "My babies." She kisses both of our heads.

"Children!" I hear mom scream. "Benny!" We all look over to see Ma and Papa run towards us. They also grab us in a group hug. "What happened?" She cries.

"I don't know." Izzie and I respond. They go off and talk. The fire department arrives and takes care of the fire.

"Come here, princess." Benny waves me over to him and squeezes me tightly. "I love you, and I'll always protect you." He mumbles in my hair. I smile and look at him. He leans down since he's about 4 inches taller than me, and connects our lips. He grabs my face gently. It was a slow but passionate kiss.

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