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(Readers POV)

Tonight was the Prom. I was nervous, but excited at the same time. Since I could never miss a day of baseball, I showed up.

"Hey, isn't tonight Prom?" Smalls asks as he walks up to me.

"Yeah," I say as I fix his hat.

"So what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be getting ready to look even more pretty than you already are?" He says shyly.

I smile at the compliment. "Thanks, Scott. And yeah," I pause. "But, you know me," I click my tongue. "I never miss a day of baseball."

"That's fair." He says. "Anyway, where's Benny?" He asks nervously.

"Uh, I'm not sure," I say, looking around us. "Why? I'm sure he's just getting ready."

"Yeah, but out of anyone, I wouldn't expect him to miss baseball."

"Fair point, kid." I nod. "Let's just go play and see if he shows up." Smalls and I walk over to the team.

"Hey, Y/N," Bertram pats me on the shoulder. "Shouldn't you be get-" I put my hand to cover his mouth.

"Nothing is more important than baseball, you dweebs." I sigh. "So quit askin' me!"

(Benny's POV)

I hope no one was wondering where I was. I was currently making a Promposal. To be completely honest, I was a little embarrassed. This wasn't like me. But, I was head over heals for this girl. She was the love of my life.

I take the pencil and sketch "Can I steal you for Prom?" (mad corny but it's ok 🤗) In big letters. The theme that I was going for was baseball, of course. I haven't had the guts to ask her straight up, so I thought this was a pretty smart idea. I had no doubt that she would say yes, so I was pretty confident.

"Ma!" I yell.

"Yes, Benjamin?" She speed walks into the room. "What do you need, baby." She says in her thick Hispanic accent.

"Can you help me cut these out?"

"Of course, my son."

After we were finished, I was pretty happy with the result.

(This is kind of the inspo)

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(This is kind of the inspo)

"Yeah, I think I like it." I nod my head and look at my mother.

"Good, I think it's adorable, baby." She kissed the top of my head. "Now go get changed into something nicer."

I sprinted up the stairs, slamming my door open. What the hell do I wear? I wasn't the kind of boy to wear a tuxedo, but for the Prom I had to. But, I could always come back and change, right?

Whatever. I walked over to my bureau where I kept all of my jeans and shirts stored. I grabbed a pair of decent looking jeans, and a white shirt. I decided to wear my jersey over it. I turn my gaze to my full-body length mirror. I did look pretty snazzy.

"You look so handsome," my mother said, giving me my baseball cap.

"Thanks, Ma." I smile as she kissed me on the cheek. I grab the poster and walk out the door. I had told the team about what I was going to do. They were all supportive, of course.

My heart was beating so loud that I thought the whole neighborhood could hear it. I walk at a steady pace, not rushing but not being too slow. As I arrive to the field, I saw her. She was playing catch with Smalls. My stomach gets all twisted as a look at her. Her perfect smile, body, everything. I was in love with this girl.

I make my way over to the team slowly. I didn't want to rush myself, get too nervous.

"Hey, Ben!" I hear her say.

Shit. I quickly take action by hiding the poster behind my back, but I was too late.

"What's that you got behind your back?" She smiles.

"Uhhh," I scratch the back of my head nervously.

"Y/N," Smalls calls. This was a part of the plan. "Come here for a sec!"

"Alright." She eyes me suspiciously as she turns and walks away.

I follow her quietly, moving the poster to out in front of me.

"Yeah, whatda' need, Scott." She asks politely.

"Can you go grab my water? It's in the dugout." He nods.

"But!-" She throws her hands up. "I just came back from dugout."

"Please?" He innocently.

"Fine." She turns around and gasps, her hands covering her mouth. My eyes trail up to meet hers. I notice her eyes reading over the poster.

"Oh, Benny." Her hands leave her mouth and her eyes meet mine. "Yes!" She squeals. "I would love to go to Prom with you."

I throw the poster aside and engulf her in a hug. My arms wrap around her waist, her arms around my neck.

"I was worried you were gonna say no, Y/N." I say, my voice muffled by her neck.

"Who could say no to you, Benny?" She pulls away and we both smile at each other.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2023 ⏰

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