Dog! (Benny Rodriguez)

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I laugh as I run with my dog to the Sandlot. He pants as we come to a stop. I stop to take a breath. The boys all look at me. I wave.

"Hey, Y/- WOAH!" Ham screams. I furrow my eyebrows. I look at my dog, to see him sitting.

"What?" I smile. Benny walks over.

"Can I pet 'em?" He points to my dog, Bluey. I nod. Benny ruffles Bluey's ears. I giggle. "Oh, good boy." Benny extends the word 'boy'. I smile.

"Cmon, boy!" I laugh as I stay running over to the infield. Bluey chases me. I stop and so does he. "Can you sit?" He sits. "Good boy." I pat his head.

"Y/N, you're up!" Ham calls. I nod and grab Benny's bat. I get into my stance. Kenny sends the ball my way. I swing and it was about to go over the fence when Smalls caught it.

I groan.

"HAHA!" Ham points in my face. I roll my eyes and hand the bat back to Benny. Bluey starts barking.

"Huh?" I ask. I look to where he was looking. I see Phillips and his team. I groan again. "Come here, boy." I pat my thigh. Blue prances over. "Sit." I mumble as I make my way over to Phillips. I look behind me, checking on Blue. I give a thumbs up.

"Hey, Y/N. Ugly dog you got there." Phillips smirks.

I gasp. "He was just trying to look like you today." I argue. Phillips put on a shocked face.

"That's rude." He mumbles.

"Mhm." Benny nods, his arm around my shoulders. Ham and Phillips fight about something. Phillips was about to leave when I said,

"Go get 'em, boy!" I clap and point to Phillips and his team. Bluey sprints after them. I start laughing. Phillips and his team start screaming at the top of their lungs. I scream of laughter, the boys joining in.

"Bluey!" I yell. He stops. "Come here, buddy." I cooed and waved him over. He trotted over. "Good boy." I smile and kiss his wet nose.

"Yeah, let's bring him everyday." Bertram nods. I nod, too, agreeing.

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