Chapter 4

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      I wake up and put my hair in a braid. When everyone wakes up we go eat breakfast and then I meet up with Percy. "Hey, hey, hey." I say. "You're happy." He laughs. "I made a friend. She's really nice. Guess who." I say, not knowing if he'll know her or not. "If I said Annabeth, I bet you'd kill me, right?" He asks. "Yeah." I say. "Give me a hint, what cabin?" He laughs. "Athena." I say. "Oh, so it is a sibling? Uh.." He says. "Okay, nevermind. Her name's Destiny." I say. "Oh, yeah. Destiny. She's cool." He says. "Hey, Olivia! You coming? Oh, hey Percy! You can come too." Destiny yells. "I'm sword-fighting with the Athena cabin." I say. Percy and I run with Destiny to where the rest of my cabin are in partners battling each other.

      All three of us join in. I fight Percy first, then some boy from my cabin, then some girl from my cabin. I drink some water after the girl. I won all the fights. Annabeth stops too. She drinks some water. I look back and see everyone has a partner. "Oh, wow. This is gonna be fun." Annabeth says. Annabeth and I start to fight. Everyone else is taking a break and watching us. Annabeth is hard to beat. She cuts my leg and I fall to the ground. She turns around and I can tell she's smiling. "Annabeth! Annabeth!" They chant. Destiny and Percy don't chant it though. Percy runs to see if I'm okay. I nod. I stand up. Annabeth notices and she gets angry. My leg hurts really bad. Annabeth and I start to fight again.

      Somehow I make her sword fall to the ground. I step on it so she can't get it. Annabeth gets even more angry. I point my sword at her. She stands there. The campers gasp. "Annabeth. Just. Lost." One of the campers says. "Olivia! Olivia!" They start yelling. I step off her sword and walk off with Percy. "Congrats." He says. "Percy!" A voice yells. Percy smiles and turns around. "Tyson!" He says. Percy runs and hugs a really tall guy. I walk over to them. "Olivia, meet my half-brother, Tyson. He's a Cyclops." Percy says. I look up and see the dude has one eye. "Tyson, this is Olivia."  Percy says. "Hi-" I begin. "Hello, friend!" Tyson squeezes me. "Can't. Breathe." I say. "Woah, Tyson!" Percy says. Tyson lets go and I breathe heavily. "Nice to meet you, Tyson." I say. He smiles.

      Percy and I go through our activities. Then comes time for the climbing wall. "Okay, so Olivia. This is simple. Climb and don't get killed." Percy says. "Yeah, thanks." I say. We climb and Percy gets to the top first. I slip and almost fall in some lava but Percy grabs my hand. Tyson's somewhere off to the side clapping. I'm so glad when we both get down. When we're on the ground, I hug Percy. "Thanks." I say. "For what?" He asks. "You saved me from the lava." I say. "Oh yeah. It was nothing." Percy says. "Oh the Cyclops is back." Someone says. I see a man standing nearby. "Mr. D! I don't know if you've met Olivia Trane yet." Percy says. "Peter Johnson, what are you babbling about?" He says. "It's Percy Jackson, sir. But, she's the new demigod." Percy says. "You are..." The man turns towards me. "Athena's daughter." I say. "Oh." He says. He walks off.

      "That was the Camp Director, Mr. D. You might know him as Dionysus." Percy says. "Isn't he a Greek God?" I ask. "Yep." Percy says. "He called you Peter Johnson." I say. "He doesn't like me." He says. I laugh. "What? He doesn't like a lot of demigods." Percy laughs. "I'm sure he likes me." I laugh. "Yeah, right." Percy says. "Watch and learn." I say. We run over to Mr. D. "Yo, Mr. D. So you're the camp director? That's awesome! And you're Dionysus. Cool!" I say. He stares at me. "Typical demigod." He says. Percy and I stop walking with him. "If he liked you at all, he doesn't now." Percy laughs. "Man, Dionysus was cool." I say. Percy rolls his eyes and smiles. "Typical demigod." Percy says. Percy slowly walks off. My mouth opens wide like I'm surprised but I'm smiling. I catch up with Percy and we both bust out laughing.

      Then dinner rolls around and this time the whole Athena cabin's trying to talk to me. Annabeth's sitting on the edge alone. I know how that feels. It doesn't feel good. Even though Annabeth wasn't really nice to me, it doesn't mean I have to act the same way she did. "Keep talking. I'll be right back." I say. I take my food over and sit in front of lonely Annabeth. The Athena campers don't notice I'm just right next to them. "I thought you needed a friend." I say. She looks up. She stays silent. "Look, we didn't start out well." I say. She stays silent. "Good fight." I say. "I lost." She says. "Does it always have to be about winning?" I ask. Then she stays silent again. "Annabeth, what did I do wrong?" I ask. She stays silent. The Athena cabin keeps right on talking to each other. "Why don't you join the conversation?" I ask. "Why? I can't believe I lost to you. And then they talk about me." She says. I just let that slide since I'm trying to be nice and I know she isn't used to being talked about badly.

      I start eating again. "We could be good friends, you know." I say. "Doubt it." She says. "We could be good sisters." I say. "Not likely." She answers. "We could be an awesome duo. Like.. uh- Apollo and Artemis?" I say, not knowing if that was correct or not. "That would mean working together. You and me? That would not work at all." She says. I look down at my food and decide that I'm not hungry anymore. After dinner Destiny comes up to me. "That was nice what you did back there. Sitting when Annabeth no matter what she's said to you." Destiny says. "Thanks." I say. She leaves and Percy smiles and runs over. "That was amazing what you did. You're so kind you even were nice to Annabeth who hasn't been very friendly." Percy says. "Not that amazing." I say. "More than amazing." He says.

      I laugh. "It was nothing." I say. "How's your leg?" He asks. "I'm fine." I say. He looks down. "Come on, I wanna show you something." He says. He takes my hand and we run to Long Island Sound. We get in the water and I have no idea what he's doing. After a couple minutes we get out of the water and I look down. The cut's gone. "Percy, what did you do?" I ask. He's just smiling. We're both wet. "You're the awesomest demigod. I have ever met." I say. We run around for a little while trying to get dry. We talk and laugh. "Tomorrow we play Capture the Flag. I think you'll like it." He says. I wonder if I really will like Capture the Flag. "Almost lights out, let's go." He says. We run to my cabin. We say bye and he runs off. I go in my cabin, my clothes still wet. Most of the campers are already laying down. So I lay down quietly and go to sleep.

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