Chapter 6

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      I wake up screaming and somebody's shaking me. "Olivia! Olivia!" Someone's yelling. I sit up quickly and breathe heavily. "What happened?" I ask. I focus on who's around me. My cabin-mates. Annabeth is standing up next to me and Percy's sitting next to me. "I called Percy in here, you were screaming and wouldn't wake up." Annabeth says. Percy hugs me. My dream starts to come back to me. Everyone's staring at me. "I.. I have to go." I say. I get up and walk out the door. I start walking towards Half-Blood Hill. Percy grabs my arm. "You can't go, Olivia." He says. "I have to go, Percy." I say. "Then where are you going?" He asks. I stay silent and he lets go of my arm. I start to walk again. "You can't just let her go, Percy." Annabeth says. "I can't stop her, though." He says.

      Annabeth runs up next to me and puts her hand on my shoulder. "Did you have a nightmare?" She asks. I stay silent. "You can't go, Olivia." She says. "And why not?" I ask. "It's not safe out there. It's safe here." She says. "I can take care of myself." I say. "But what about your friends? What about your new family here? You just got here." She says. I stay silent. "I just got the best sister ever. You can't go." She says. I stop. "You called me, your sister." I say. She nods. "Thanks, Annabeth." I say. I turn to her. "But trust me. It's better for everyone here." I say. I start walking again. "Please, Olivia!" Percy yells. I stop again. I think of a plan. Annabeth comes up next to me. "Coming to breakfast?" She asks. I nod slowly and we go to breakfast. We eat and they all try to get me to explain what happened but I stay silent.

      I go through my activities. In sword-fighting, I fight Percy. He wins. I think about my dream. That evil voice talking about the kids at camp. And worst of all that evil voice talking about Percy. I was standing in darkness unable to speak. The evil voice telling me things to do. Telling me about how the kids at camp would be in danger if I didn't do what it said. It mentioned Annabeth getting hurt. Telling me not to trust Percy and how Percy would betray me. I start thinking if Percy really would betray me. Percy says something but I can't hear him. He shakes me. "You okay, Olivia?" He asks. "Huh? Oh, yeah. I'm fine, Percy." I say. I do the rest of my activities barely talking. I say hi to people that say hi to me. When people ask if I'm okay, I tell them yes. Clarisse talks to me to help me with sword-fighting. Then dinner comes and I sit at the edge of the table.

      Annabeth sits next to me. Our cabin-mates sit around us and they all talk. "Are you okay?" Someone asks. "What happened?" Another says. "Did you have a bad dream?" Somebody else asks. "Be quiet." Annabeth says. They do as told. "Olivia. Honestly, are you okay?" She asks. "Yeah." I say. "You had a dream didn't you?" She asks. "Are demigod dreams real?" I ask. "Yeah, pretty much all of them are." She says. I try to act calm. "I hate being a demigod." I mumble. Annabeth hugs me, which surprises me. I only eat a little bit. After dinner Percy and Grover meet up with me. "I heard about this morning. What happened, Olivia?" Grover asks. "Nothing." I say. "As your protector, I should know. Plus we're your best friends, you can tell us anything." Grover says. "I don't need a protector. And.. it's nothing. Don't worry about it." I say.

      "I can't do anything but worry since this morning." Percy says. "Really, Percy?" I ask. "Why do you sound so surprised?" He asks. "To be honest, I never really had friends. They thought I was weird. I'm surprised that you care." I say. "Why wouldn't we care? You're awesome." Grover says. "Thanks." I say. Percy, Grover, and I hug. "We'll always be here for you, remember that." Grover says. I smile. "Do you have a phone?" Grover asks. I nod. "We aren't supposed to use phones because it kind of attracts monsters to demigods, but if you ever need us. We got phones. What's your number?" Grover asks. We all exchange numbers. "I should go, check things before lights out. Bye, Olivia. See ya, Percy." Grover says. I hug Grover and he leaves. Percy and I walk towards the cabins.

      We get to my cabin. "I'll see you tomorrow then?" Percy asks. "Yeah." I say. "Night." He says. "Night, Percy." I say. He walks off. I realize how much I'm going to miss him. I walk in my cabin and lay down. I act like I'm sleeping. I wait a couple hours and see that everyone in my cabin is asleep. Then I quietly get out of bed and sneak out. I run towards Half-Blood Hill and am about to go out when someone grabs my arm. "Are you crazy, Olivia?" Percy asks. "I have to go." I say. "No you don't." He says. We hear a noise. "Harpies. No time to make it back. Run!" Percy says. Percy and I run out of camp and into an alley where we're safe. "Why.. are you.. trying to leave, so badly? Is it something that happened?" Percy asks, taking short breaths. Then he looks like he just thought of the worst thing ever. "Is it me? I mean, is it us?" He asks. "No, Percy." I say.

      "We'll have to sleep somewhere safe for the night. With the harpies we aren't going to be able to get back in camp tonight. We'll go back in the morning, like nothing ever happened." He says. "No, Percy." I say. "Olivia, the only safe place for demigods is Camp Half-Blood. Plus, we're your family." He says. "Ever think about my other family?" I say. He stays silent as he lays down behind some boxes and a garbage can. I can't see him anymore. I sit next to him. "I'm sorry, Percy. It's just, you shouldn't have come with me." I say. "You might be in trouble. You might need my help." He says. "But you might get hurt." I say. "It's not like I haven't been hurt before." He says. I stay silent for a few minutes. "So, your other family? What are they like?" He asks. "I don't have another family. Just my dad. He doesn't care. I ran away, he didn't care." I say. "How do you know?" Percy asks.

      "He says so. He just acts like he cares in front of his friends so he won't look bad. After they leave.." I pause for a second. Should I actually tell Percy? I show him some bruises on my arms and different places. "He did that?" He asks. "I didn't have anywhere to go. I didn't tell anybody. I stayed with him. That was home. He was family." I say. "I'm so sorry, Olivia. I didn't-" Percy begins. "It's okay." I say. "But it's not like Athena cared either." I say. "I'm sure she cares. Lots of demigods think their godly parents don't care. But they do." Percy says. "Then why didn't she do anything? Why didn't she help even the slightest?" I ask. He shrugs. "So, where are you going to go?" He asks. "Anywhere, but away from Camp Half-Blood." I say. "Why?" He asks. "I can't tell you about it, but it was my dream." I say. "Why can't you?" He asks. "You'll probably be in danger." I say.

      "Okay, so the plan. In the morning. I go off, and you go back to Camp Half-Blood." I say. "Oh, yeah. Ha! Nice try. You are my best friend. We're a team." He says. "But don't teams like Scooby Doo, don't they separate and come together at the end?" I say. "We could be like Shaggy and Scooby." He says. "Dude, you're annoying." I push him a bit. He pushes me a bit too. Then he stretches out and leans against the wall. I do the same right next to him. "Good-night, Percy." I yawn. "Night." He says. Then I go to sleep wondering about so many things at once. Should I tell Percy about my dream? Tell Percy it's too dangerous and he has to go? Should I do what the evil voice told me to do? Should I consider going back to Camp Half-Blood?

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