Chapter 3

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      I wake up and put my hair in a pony-tail again. When my whole cabin wakes up we go eat breakfast. When breakfast is over, my whole cabin leaves me. "Yeah, bye guys." I mumble. "They just know you're special." Percy says. I didn't even know he was next to me. "Yeah, Olivia Trane. Daughter of Athena. What's so special about that?" I ask. "You're different." Percy says. "Different how?" I ask. "Unique, not afraid to be yourself. You don't run away from a challenge." He says. "Thanks." I say. He smiles at me. "Come on, I want to show you something." He says. "What about activities?" I ask. "I think I can survive breaking a few rules, don't you?" He asks. I smile as he takes my hand and we run somewhere.

      "Long Island Sound." He says. "Come on." He pulls me to the water. "I'm sure, with you being the son of Poseidon and all, that you can breathe underwater. I can't." I say. "Just come on." He says. We jump in the water. I close my eyes. At first, I think: I'm a goner. I open my eyes. Are we in a bubble? He smiles. I look around. It's beautiful. I smile at him. I look down and he still has my hand. He looks around. Our bubble starts to float up and soon we're on the shore again. "You're so awesome!" I say. "Thanks." He laughs. He takes my hand again and then we run into the forest. It doesn't even surprise me that I'm not wet after I got out of the water- I was with the son of Poseidon, he's the reason that I'm not.

      We start walking. "Is your name Perseus Jackson?" I ask. "Yeah, I just like Percy though." He says. I'm about to say something but Grover comes up next to me. "Shouldn't you two be doing your activities?" Grover asks. "We're touring the forest." I say. "Yeah, right." Grover rolls his eyes. "At least let me come with you." Grover says. "Won't you get in trouble?" Percy asks. "It's just one time." Grover says. "Okay, you can come." I say. "Oh, we never really met properly. I'm Grover Underwood. I'm a satyr- which means I'm half goat. Also, I'm a protector. I was Percy's. Then yours. I guess you could say I still am." He says. "Protector? I don't need a protector." I say. "How about a best friend?" Grover asks. "I can have two best friends." I say. "Two?" Grover asks. "Yeah. You, me, and Percy." I say.

      "And what about your sister, Annabeth?" Grover asks. "I don't think we'll be best friends anytime soon. You two can be best friends with her though." I say. "We are kind of, she's been acting weird lately." Grover says. "Tell me about it." Percy says. "What about your other cabin-mates?" Grover asks. "Hate me." I say. "Other campers?" Grover asks. "Nope." I say. "We'll just need to get you some more friends. Maybe from the Hephaestus cabin! They're always fun." Grover says. "Thanks, Grover." I say, knowing he wants to help. He smiles. We walk for a long time and then stop. "Have you worked on your fighting skills?" Grover asks. "Not really." I say. "Percy's awesome at it. He'll help." Grover says. "Now?" Percy asks. I nod and then push a button on my ring and it turns into a sword. "Okay, now Percy don't kill Olivia. Olivia don't kill Percy." Grover says. Percy and I smile and nod and we start battling.

      It ends with me having Percy's sword and holding mine out towards Percy. Percy smiles and then holds out his hand and makes a gesture that means: Give it back. "And Olivia has beaten me." Percy laughs. I give him his sword. "You're awesome with a sword, Olivia." Grover says. I smile, "Thanks." Grover stands up from sitting on a rock. "Archery before dinner? You both have it. You can go to at least one activity." Grover says. "Sure." I say. "Yeah." Percy says. Percy and Grover lead me to where people are doing archery. I learn to do archery, and I'm actually really good at it. Percy hits one target, a basket, and barely misses a few campers. "I didn't hit a camper this time! I'm getting better." Percy smiles. I laugh.

      Soon after it's dinner. I'm in the middle of eating and it's just awkward at my table alone. All the Athena campers scooted over so nobody was in front of me and nobody was right next to me. I sit on the edge. They whisper to each other. I guess to them, I'm some kind of monster. It surprises me when someone sits in front of me and then somebody next to me. Percy's next to me and Grover's in front of me. The Athena campers stare at us. Annabeth is more angry now. "We thought you needed a friend." Percy says. I smile at them. I think that Grover, Percy, and I will be best friends for a long time. We eat and laugh. Chiron doesn't even notice they're over here with me. After dinner Grover goes into the forest and Percy takes my hand and we run to Long Island Sound. We look at the sky and the stars are bright.

      "This is real? Us being demigods? Greek Gods? It's all real?" I ask. "Completely." He says. "Almost lights out. We should get you back to the Athena cabin. I want you to meet someone tomorrow. He said he'd be coming." Percy smiles. "Who?" I ask. "You'll find out tomorrow." He laughs. We go to my cabin and we say good-bye. I go in and Annabeth glares at me. "He broke the rules because of you." She says. "I wouldn't say he broke the rules. He just didn't follow them." I say. "You skipped activities." She says. "I just didn't do them. I did archery though." I say. "You have to take things seriously." She says. "I just got here. I got two friends. I'm not going to lose them because you say I have to take things seriously." I say. The others just stare at us, like it's the first time someone's actually stood up to Annabeth.

      "How about you try sword fighting with us, tomorrow?" Someone speaks up. A girl with brown hair and brown eyes steps out from behind someone. "But she's a rule-breaker, Destiny." Annabeth says. "It doesn't mean we have to be mean to her." The girl says. Annabeth gets angry and lays on her bed to sleep. "Thanks, Destiny." I say. She smiles. "She knows you're special and strong. And, she's jealous you're spending so much time with Percy. You're lucky." She whispers. "Why am I lucky?" I ask. "I'm no child of Aphrodite. But have you seen Percy?" Destiny says. I laugh. Destiny giggles. "Good-night." She says. "Night." I say and go to my bunk. Then I go to sleep.

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