Chapter 5

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      I wake up and put my hair in a braid again. When everyone wakes up we go eat breakfast. I go through my activities and with each one I gain a new friend. Sword fighting, I made friends with Clarisse, a girl from the Ares cabin. Then in archery I made friends with Mason, a boy from the Apollo cabin. I made friends with a couple Naiads. Then I made friends with a few satyrs. When we had a free choice I made friends with a girl named Patricia from the Hephaestus cabin. Lots of people are talking to me now. "I can't believe you're friends with Clarisse." Percy says. "What? She's cool." I say. "Yeah, I guess. But me and Clarisse have had our battles together a lot." He says. "She's tough." I say. "She doesn't like me either." He says. I laugh. "Does anyone like you at this camp?" I ask. He smiles. "I'll have you know, the girls of the Aphrodite cabin like me a lot." He says.

      "Yeah, and I'm sure you like most of them too." I say. "I'll have to admit, some of them are kind of pretty. But, right now. I like someone else." He says. I start to say something but Annabeth runs up next to us. "She's back!" Annabeth says happily and runs towards the hill. Percy and I follow her. I guess I'm gonna miss my next activity or two. A girl with spiky hair smiles at us. She has a bow and arrows and she seems to be glowing. "Thalia!" Annabeth hugs the girl. Percy hugs her too. "Oh, Thalia. This is my best friend, Olivia. She's the daughter of Athena." Percy says. I smile and we shake hands. "I'm Thalia." She says. "Thalia is the daughter of Zeus. She's a Hunter of Artemis, now." Percy says.

      We miss a few activities talking to Thalia. "Artemis said that I could come here. I have to talk to Chiron. I might be here for a few days or I might leave tonight." She says. We nod and then Percy says that it's time for Capture the Flag. We get ready and I hold my sword as our teams get ready. I'm so glad Percy's on my team. "Okay, so we have to capture the blue flag. Just follow and me and fight along the way." He says. When it starts Percy and I start running. "Ah!" A boy comes running out and I start fighting him. I kick him into a tree and I catch up with Percy who's fighting a little ways down. We have to fight a lot more people. Then I see it. A blue flag. "That's it?" I ask. "There's gotta be a trap. Nobody's guarding it." He says. Then people jump down from trees and Percy and I start fighting.

      After a few minutes a few are on the ground but a few more came. We fight these more quickly and then only two are left. "We have to get the flag!" Percy says while fighting some dude. "How?" I ask. "I don't know." He says. I kick down the dude I'm fighting and he stays down. Percy's still fighting. "Get the flag!" Percy says. I run and get the flag. Chiron comes up and says that my red team won. "You won it for us!" Percy says. He hugs me. People congratulate me for winning, even people from the blue team. For the first time, it feels like I have a family. A family that cares. A home. I smile. Grover hugs me and then I drink some water. "That was cool." I say. Percy laughs. "It always is."  He says. He hugs me again, and it isn't awkward. I think I like Percy. But Percy likes someone else I wonder who though.

      "It's dinnertime." Thalia says. We go to dinner and Thalia talks to Chiron. I wonder what they're talking about. Annabeth still isn't in the conversation, she's still on the edge. I decide to try to be nice. "Oh my gosh, guys! Today I was watching some of the fights and I saw one of the greatest fighters ever. She won every fight. She's really tough and smart." I say so all of my cabin can hear. "Who?" One of them asks. "Annabeth! She kept fighting and wouldn't give up! She's the best ever." I say. As I say that Annabeth sits up a little and everyone stares at her. They all scoot over to her and leave me sitting alone. I smile. Even though I might be eating alone, I know that Annabeth's happy now. She's smiling and laughing with her cabin-mates.

      Destiny's not at the table, I remember she's in the Infirmary right now. She's fine, she just fell and hurt her leg, so she had to stay there. I look over at Percy. He mouths: I heard what you said about Annabeth. Then he smiles. I mouth back: It was nothing. I smile and then we both finish eating. After dinner Annabeth comes up to me. "I'm not saying that I'm your friend, really. But thank-you. I guess, you aren't that bad." She says. "You're welcome, and thanks... I think." I say. She walks off. Percy comes up to me. "We have to sing-a-long too." He says. "Sing-a-long?" I ask. "It's not as bad as it sounds." He says. We run to the amphitheater and I have to sit with my cabin. The Apollo cabin starts it off and soon we're all singing along. The fire changes color and gets bigger.

      It's actually really fun. After the sing-a-long, I talk to Mason. "That was really cool." I say. "Yeah, I love the sing-a-longs. It's always fun. Some people don't like it as much as me, but I'm an Apollo kid. Of course, I love it." He says. We talk for a few minutes and then he goes to his cabin. Percy comes up next to me. "Mason's cool." He says. "Yeah." I say. "Do you like him?" He asks. I start laughing. "Dude, Mason's a friend." I say. He laughs too. "Okay, so what about you and Annabeth?" I ask. We walk to my cabin. "I used to like her, and I think she liked me too. But, I'm not really sure what happened. I don't like her anymore though. I like someone else, now." He says. "So, who do-" I start. "Olivia, only a few minutes until lights out. You should get inside. Bye, Seaweed Brain." Annabeth says. Percy puts on a small smile and then says bye. I say bye and he runs off. I go in and lay down. Then I go to sleep.

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